
I really liked this episode because it dared to go to extremes with Olivia. She has gone over to the Dark Side. Reminds me a bit of Breaking Bad, which was much more gross. I don't think we're supposed to be rooting for Olivia. I think this is a moral fable about "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts

I just love this show, no matter how weird it gets.

Lying is not the worst things parents can do to kids. Lying to protect them from the ugly truth can be a good and protective deed.

Pastor Tim is a pederast and a religious fanatic. I can't stand him.

James Bond…always pictured as admirable. Kills people all the time.

Lots of innocents killed by govt, and police. With impunity, and declarations of necessity.

So Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed no innocents?

For example, drone strikes.

Especially on your parents. She should have a sense of loyalty to them. Major theme of show all 3 seasons is question of loyalty and betrayal, to family, to lovers, to spouses, to country. That's what makes it so brilliant.

At 15 & 16 I was reading a lot of political philosophy, concerned about social justice, questioning US govt actions. Paige is involved w Christian liberal church. Many of them were openly opposed to Reagan's actions in Nicaragua, Contra war, etc. I don't think the writers are taking into account the full ideological

Paige is so naive. She has no idea of what goes on in the real world, let alone the world of spies. No one, neither parent, tells her the lives are at stake. Prison is just the beginning of it.

Doesn't he have to kill her now that she can identify him?


He makes the show worth rewatching. The fact that he survives, albeit in jail, will make it bearable. Brilliant dialogue, brilliant acting.

That would have been a nihilistic ending. Elmore Leonard's stories are more genre than tragedy, with a certain inner morality where good triumphs over evil.

Glad all three lived. Loved the last line.

Yes, Phillip/Gabriel scene was terrific. A moment of honesty amongst all the lies and omissions.

Where people can't be who they really are…

Philip too, juggling Martha, Kimmy, and Elizabeth, trying to protect them all against Moscow's wishes.

I'm sure she could fly. Say to France, Finland, or West Germany, go underground from there. She's a travel agent. Perfect cover.