Blair Witch

Hells yes. I would NOW hit that.

Agreed. He gets the chance to check out this ridiculous and unbelievable thing up-close, so why not, right?
Now, if *I* were insane, I would probably not trust a psychology instructor at a community college in Kansas to treat me, but I'm willing to go along with this.

Byron, I'm with you. I dunno if it's a married people thing but a lot of these sitcoms just seem to "get" us…
Also that Joanna Garcia should get a show already!

Get out of my head! I absolutely agree. I'm so jazzed about this episode that I"m going to watch it again!

Agreed! Every time I saw the name flash on the screen I cringed a little. LA MAISON DE PARIS! I know the whole thing is pretty lowbrow, but at least get the name right!

Let's talk about JJ
My favorite plotline of the season HAS to be this whole JJ thing. I love a good freak show and that family dinner with Adaleen; the toasts, the fingernails, the resentment (I believe the word "mongrel" was bandied about), were incredibly entertaining.
I have a new theory, and that is that JJ's

The new Sarah really bugs me. How OLD is she supposed to be?