Yeah, it seems likely that we'll see Bismuth again, and if we do, I'm excited to see in what context the Crewniverse bring her back.
Yeah, it seems likely that we'll see Bismuth again, and if we do, I'm excited to see in what context the Crewniverse bring her back.
That would be an intense plotline. Imagine Steven yelling "Stop!" while Bismuth poofs Lapis and Peridot. :O
Man, I would love to see an Answer-like retelling of the Gem War from Bismuth's perspective. It's sad that we didn't get to see any interaction with Lapis since it looks like Bismuth was the one who poofed her, but that definitely wouldn't have fit in this episode.
That's a good point - I was thinking of direct shattering, but Rose could definitely have poofed her and then crushed her with her hands. Although I wonder if you could really do that with a Diamond, as opposed to a softer gem like an Amethyst.
It definitely seems possible, but it seemed like Centipeetle was in more of a squad leader position, so she likely wouldn't have been piloting a ship herself, right?
I really liked the way that all the skills Steven's been developing, like the floating, super strength, versatility with his shield and bubble, etc. all came into play during the Bismuth fight.
Off the top of my head there was one at the end of It's Over, Isn't It in Mr Greg, one right after Steven and Amethyst announce their duel in Steven Vs Amethyst (that was just a glint), and one at the end of this episode. I'm not reading into it much yet, since the timing, etc. usually just suggests it's a punctuation…
Shattered Pink Diamond? I'm not sure, since Rose's main offensive weapon was her sword, which Bismuth specifically said doesn't shatter gems.
That was a great look. I also loved the little touches where his head moved a bit when Steven jumped in.
Well, that was her way of describing it to Steven, right? Not to say that it isn't true in a way, but Garnet does tend to word things more gently for Steven's sake (even if she might do it less nowadays than earlier in the show).
Wow, this episode was amazing! Loved all the depth Bismuth and Rose got here.
I suspect that Steven said the "and don't forget mom!" line on purpose, to make sure Greg and Pearl both had Rose at the front of their minds on this trip (not that she wouldn't be anyway, given that it's Greg and Pearl alone with Steven). All part of his master plan to get them to reconcile.
Maybe Garnet and Amethyst are off catching fusion experiments? The show does have a tendency to drop some recurring elements (like the corrupted gems), but I think it's because the CGs are assumed to be taking care of one-off threats behind the scenes so the episodes can focus on the character- and plot-developing…
One thing I don't think has been mentioned yet is how amazing the animation and choreography were in this episode! I mean, it's always great, but the dancing this episode really highlighted it, like during Pearl and Steven's tap-dancing and Pearl's dance on the glass balustrade.
Maybe she can sing in Too Short to Ride?
The most recent gemless episode was Sadie's Song, wasn't it? Which aired in September of last year…
The relationship of the core CGs to Beach City is so great, I'm glad that we're back in town so we can see more of it.
Whoever it is probably inspired those dream sequences in Chille Tid as well.
We're going to watch the cluster, and it's going to be awesome!
I don't think Pearl has much of a sense of money, so she probably wouldn't stop Greg from spending all of it. But anyway, it seems like Greg will still have money left after Mr. Greg since subsequent episodes have him buying a tablet and a car (based on CN promos).