maddening crowd

Finally beards will become trendy!

Except Brock doesn't seem to think much of his dish-washin' parents livin fans.

Crackle.com has a lot (all?) of the Larry Sanders episodes.

meax, that is one of the best simpson's drops I've seen in a long time.

Mechanic: Looks like you blew a seal.
My uncle: Nah, jus' got a li'l frost on my mustache.

All those outfits cover and adam's apple nicely. Jus' sayin'.

Marlowe don't stitch me any more samplers.

For a while there I thought all Peter Buck did was hang around in the bathroom at the Crocodile.

Get out the rye bread and the mustard Grandma!

do you guys not see the hook?

I once owned a pork chop sandwich. Then I ate the pork chop sandwich.

BTW, 'vinyl in high school' is one of my favorite porns ever.

Same here, KB. But you can add the vinyl in high school to my list.

1. live at leeds
2. get yer ya ya's out
3. live rust

Chrissie Hynde will always have it.

She used to mow my lawn.

If you think football players aren't juicin' yer nuts.

Thou shall always keep thou ruminations upon thou gold and thou gold upon thou ruminations.

DCRJ, the transsexual reference is to Twin Peaks.

Me too, R L-Y. Me too.