maddening crowd

Me too. Not since Jerry Falwell have I felt giddy about somebody's death.

Bandslam Bread slam!

Now, if it was the other way around even I'd tune in.

Man you are so right about the production on Guitar Town. Makes it so hard to listen to. The string of albums that runs from Train a Comin' to Transcendental Blues (incl The Mountain) is about as perfect a five album run as anybody has ever done.

Nice canadian truxedo
J.T. looks like the President and CEO of Levi-Strauss.

"hey Shakes how's your cirrhotic liver?"

And I would like to apologize to my boss for reading all of this. I really should know better.

Dad fat. Oh I gots me some o' that.

This is worse than that time I sat next to Julia Roberts at the dentist.

Brian Henneman is the man
Although I do agree that when these guys funk it up it rarely works. But when they straight up rock it out they're as fun as they come.

I'm pretty sure he's also the kid that was in that one movie with Lewis Black about an airport at x-mas…. hold on… yeah it's Dyllan Christopher and the movie was "Unaccompanied Minors." Thanks, IMDB!

Why can't it be both?

on a recent trip to New York I was really surprised at the number of people using Kindles on the trains and subways.

No no no. He meant gay in the 'Saved by the Bell" kind of way.

Sammy is wrong.

Early Bird specials start a 3pm!

Daydream Nation hands down.
Also, helmet hair that list was pretty funny.
(The whitey Album is pretty good.)

I thought I was a regular anti-semite but it turns out I'm a self hating jew.

I would pick 33 over 17 any fucking day of the week.

Get out now Caruso. They're starting to turn!