
I'm pretty sure it went viral within milliseconds thanks to Twitter. But point taken.

That made me laugh way too hard.

I got the impression Coffee Girl was going ahead with the closed adoption plan. She wants Julia to have the baby even though it means giving up their relationship. Which is why she turned down her hug in favor of a handshake and was all sad and stuff.

I'm going to pretend this series is a direct continuation of Life on Mars. Something something Harvey Keitel.

He'd find a way.

Hulu calls this the "last episode until 2012" so presumably they'll be showing season 3 at some point after it airs in Britain.


I played the first level of Mario but all I could do was jump. Then I found out the whole game was like that. LAME.

Fair enough.

This review is pretty spot on
And yet I loved it. Probably because I'm one of those who relate to the character's particular form of pathetic-ness and the movie's indie-kid pandering. I'm okay with that.

Also now whenever I see Craig T. Nelson on that show Parenthood I just hear "YOU MOVED THE GRAVES BUT YOU DIDN'T MOVE THE BODIES! YOU MOVED THE GRAVES BUT YOU DIDN'T MOVE THE BODIES!". I forgot he played the dad in that movie.

I just watched this movie for the first time since I was a kid. There's a scene in the beginning where the parents are totally rolling/smoking a joint. I definitely do not remember [comprehending] that.

I can't really listen to Firewall/Iceberg. The two hosts just clearly dislike each other so much… the passive-aggression is too much. On occasion it makes for interesting/entertaining discussion, but mostly it's just uncomfortable.

"and do check out this wonderful piece on the episode's portrayal of loneliness and depression if you haven't already"

Please please do yourself a favor and watch Friday Night Lights. You don't have to like football, I promise.

I think I remember seeing an interview with her where she said she got cut from the episode.

I guess Deb's pretty much living with Quinn now. I liked seeing that setting all organized and everything, without kids/Deb… felt like "classic" Dexter.

Miles vs. Grant
I love the simmering rivalry between Miles and Grant. It's being played super low-key, but Miles is the guy Will leaves in charge when he's away, and Spangler's grooming Grant for the job once Will is out of the picture. Great moment when Miles walks in and does a double-take at Grant sipping scotch

Painful record scratch
I feel like the score in general is getting kind of oppressive this season. There's hardly a single line of dialogue in the episode without obvious musical cues. It's distracting.

It's kinda sad
Without Kenny to target, Angelo has no focus. He's lost his foil.