
Yes which is why I think it woul be for the best if they slowly just wrote him out somehow or made him go broke. The money just makes things too easy.

That moment seemed ADRed to me, like the joke they had didn't work and they scrambled to voice over a fill in gag.

The last two episodes have relied more on sitcom tropes than the show usually seems to. Like in this case, the old mentor who turns out to have lost it and not be as sharp as he used to be. I've seen that a thousand times, every sitcom does it if they stay on long enough.

Hostage for peace. Leave us alone Jon or the little Starkling gets it.

They meant to put the close parenthesis after Jojen I believe.

They also used "unsult" in the Thorne part and I was unsure if that was clever wordplay or a typo.

Her and Rafael could never work for the show because his money solves too many life problems for her. He's like a walking, talking easy out and this show is about anything but easy outs. Also frankly he's funnier being saddled with Petra.

The Waif was lie detecting and Arya didn't lie as far as she (Arya) knew.

Any opinions on who the Waif is going to ask Arya to add to her list? I got a vibe that she might say Jaquen even though that would be weird.

Nothing says Mother's Day like the screams of a woman bleeding to death in childbirth. They might have wanted to hold off on what Bran would see till a different Sunday.

He probably did let her go but she won't realize they are foil wrapped chocolate coins till she's out at sea.

What did Shaggydog ever do to Sansa?

More like Ser Robert vs Tommen. The Sparrow will get in his head and get him to be his side's sword wrongly assuming Cersei will give in. She'll end up fulfilling the prophecy herself.

This episode ended up being a Shaggydog story.

In terms of just smooth storytelling and good moments, this was the best of the season so far. I give it 5 Direwolf heads.

Are we not doing 'phrasing?' anymore?

It could work if it's not an origin story. Just a side adventure with her, sure that could be awesome.

The three most consistently well crafted shows this past season, to me, were Jane, Brooklyn 99 and The Flash.

I did a search on itunes and it gave me full price seasons. It didn't show as free till I saw the comment by somene on here to use the links in the article at top, which I did and it worked.

I came to the comments to say Loras. I'm surprised they didn't mention him. But then they didn't mention Roose last week.