
Is Canadian-style shit more polite than American-style shit?

Annette Bening is such a yummy little tramp in this movie.

Funny, because I'm tired and weary of hearing about Ben Affleck and Batman.

That reminds me of my first job, doing paste-up at a printer. The rest of the staff were chain-smoking trailer trash women and they always insisted on playing a lite-rock station. This was the mid 80's so it was a lot of Whitney Houston, Peter Cetera (or Peter Cetera-era Chicago), Air Supply, Journey, etc. Ugh.

Dave and Busters!

The only good thing about this song are the grunge hotties in the video.

I wish I could multiple like this for the "horse" reference.

Indeed, lots of CGI and 'splosions and no social commentary. One parallel with the original Robocop and Buckaroo Banzai is that they're both so very 80's in very different ways. Both products of their time, though.

Exactly. Sorry, but if a producer offered any person posting here a pile of money for doing some dumb kids' movies no one would hesitate for a second to cash in.

By golly, I do believe I'm gonna have to buy it. Thanks for the head's up. Now I have "Runaway" playing in my head.

I feel so bad for Cory, he can't even go batshit competently. Damn you for placing the bar so high, Charlie Sheen.

The best thing is that they survive the blast and Luca's hair goes all white. The power of the atom! God how I'd love to watch this show again.

Are you saying that things are looking up for Mr. Durst?


Any crystal meth fans out there?

Lucas has bought the rights to the film and he's going to GCI a new scene where the audience member stabs a Hell's Angel first.

People always seem to over romanticize swinging London in the late 60's for good reason, but damn how I'd love to experience the music scene in the late 70's. The scene evolved so quickly from punk to post-punk to new romantic to a gazillion other directions.

Lewis' combination of annoyance and fear is perfectly played when the one cue card is upside-down. Brilliant stuff. As usual, The AV Club is making me crave this movie now.

Will his version include Daleks?

I thought she played the keytar.