
He certainly added a very special something-something to Songs for the Deaf. Very much looking forward to this.

I love all the Connery movies, even the goofy over-the-top ones.

I love all the Connery movies, even the goofy over-the-top ones.

I have to confess my love of Another Way to Die. Jack White's a helluva drummer, whoda thunk?

I have to confess my love of Another Way to Die. Jack White's a helluva drummer, whoda thunk?

Isn't that Moore kicking Karl Rove? "Ohio is OBAMAS!!!" Smash!

Isn't that Moore kicking Karl Rove? "Ohio is OBAMAS!!!" Smash!

I can never wrap my head around OHMSS. I know a lot of fellow Bond fans rank it highly, but for some reason Lazenby just irks the hell out of me. I've watched it several times over the years and I can't wrap my heard around him playing Bond.

I can never wrap my head around OHMSS. I know a lot of fellow Bond fans rank it highly, but for some reason Lazenby just irks the hell out of me. I've watched it several times over the years and I can't wrap my heard around him playing Bond.

^ What Doy said. That's always been my perception as well. Anyone who's been in such a relationship can definitely relate to the song's lyrics.

^ What Doy said. That's always been my perception as well. Anyone who's been in such a relationship can definitely relate to the song's lyrics.

My memory is a bit hazy, but isn't there also a story about him hiding out in Mexico?

My memory is a bit hazy, but isn't there also a story about him hiding out in Mexico?

"I'm gettin' too old for this shit."

"I'm gettin' too old for this shit."

White Tarzan swings on a vine like this and Black Tarzan swings on a vine like THIS…

White Tarzan swings on a vine like this and Black Tarzan swings on a vine like THIS…

So no boobies?

So no boobies?

Any homoerotic scenes of Lincoln wrestling with his "special" man-friend?