
I'm reveling in the irony that Romney wants to defund PBS.

Love the futuristic typography comment. Yeah, it's now 2012 and I'm using…Helvetica.

Love the futuristic typography comment. Yeah, it's now 2012 and I'm using…Helvetica.

Actually, by 1976 synths weren't as intimidating as they were in the late 60s. They definitely were already user-friendly enough that you didn't need an electronics degree to operate one.

Actually, by 1976 synths weren't as intimidating as they were in the late 60s. They definitely were already user-friendly enough that you didn't need an electronics degree to operate one.

Meh. It's not like Schultz didn't license his creation to anyone with enough money. I'm a child of the 70's and my brother's room was decorated with nothing but Peanuts crap.

Meh. It's not like Schultz didn't license his creation to anyone with enough money. I'm a child of the 70's and my brother's room was decorated with nothing but Peanuts crap.

Two turntables and a microphone for Shroeder.

Two turntables and a microphone for Shroeder.

Rumor has it they pad their hours.

Rumor has it they pad their hours.

So no more comments about fapping or wishing someone die of canceraids?

So no more comments about fapping or wishing someone die of canceraids?

Brown nose.

Brown nose.

Elaine from Seinfeld best summed up The English Patient, "Just DIE already!"

Elaine from Seinfeld best summed up The English Patient, "Just DIE already!"

Heat? Featuring the most ridiculously long foot chase in the history of cinema.

Heat? Featuring the most ridiculously long foot chase in the history of cinema.

Quiet! I'm trying to hear the fishmonger…