
Please tell me more about the Filipino knockoffs. Those sound AWESOME.

Please tell me more about the Filipino knockoffs. Those sound AWESOME.

I thought Batman was a scientist. At least according to Homer.

I thought Batman was a scientist. At least according to Homer.

Is LuLu in this? That would certainly make it more To Sir With Love-like.

Is LuLu in this? That would certainly make it more To Sir With Love-like.

It's nice to see that he even dressed a bit pimp-like for the video. Very nice touch.

It's nice to see that he even dressed a bit pimp-like for the video. Very nice touch.

Don't TEMPT me!

Don't TEMPT me!

I understand how Murphy's dour mood can deflate the joy of the live footage, but then again there's plenty of LCD material about loss, about getting older, about the inevitable impermanence of everything. Haven't seen the movie yet, but to me it's a perfect counterpoint to the fun live stuff.

I understand how Murphy's dour mood can deflate the joy of the live footage, but then again there's plenty of LCD material about loss, about getting older, about the inevitable impermanence of everything. Haven't seen the movie yet, but to me it's a perfect counterpoint to the fun live stuff.

Don't forget the anal beads!

Don't forget the anal beads!

Of course I'm going to go see this, but I am tired of Nolan releasing these super long, super bloated movies. Methinks he needs a good editor.

Of course I'm going to go see this, but I am tired of Nolan releasing these super long, super bloated movies. Methinks he needs a good editor.


Personally, I can see all of these things skew towards the unbearable side.

Personally, I can see all of these things skew towards the unbearable side.

I really enjoyed seeing the comments posted for the Chicago Tribune review. Nothing more amusing than seeing inarticulate fan boys get all pissy over a review.