
More like POOmetheus, amirite?

More like POOmetheus, amirite?

Since The Silmarilion was unreadable, it makes sense.

Since The Silmarilion was unreadable, it makes sense.

Does this version contain the deleted scene where Beatty is parading around in short-shorts prior to the rape scene…you know…ASKING for it?

Does this version contain the deleted scene where Beatty is parading around in short-shorts prior to the rape scene…you know…ASKING for it?

Raised Catholic, and my inner bullshit meter started going off by the time I reached my early teens. I just had a gut feeling that it was all nonsense. Wound up quitting Catholicism around 15 years old and my parents were actually cool enough to be okay with that. I considered myself Christian for a while and then

Raised Catholic, and my inner bullshit meter started going off by the time I reached my early teens. I just had a gut feeling that it was all nonsense. Wound up quitting Catholicism around 15 years old and my parents were actually cool enough to be okay with that. I considered myself Christian for a while and then

What's in the box? WHAT'S in the BOX?!?! WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!?!!!

What's in the box? WHAT'S in the BOX?!?! WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!?!!!

Everything old is new again. The neon look is back in style.

Everything old is new again. The neon look is back in style.

So does that mean Fans = God, or Fans > God?

So does that mean Fans = God, or Fans > God?

I love the imbeciles at the WBC playing the victim card by saying how "hateful" Gibbard is. Apparently they haven't thought about their behavior at military funerals.

I love the imbeciles at the WBC playing the victim card by saying how "hateful" Gibbard is. Apparently they haven't thought about their behavior at military funerals.

Poor, dimwitted Dee Dee.

Poor, dimwitted Dee Dee.

Is it just me, or does the CGI work look really awful?

Is it just me, or does the CGI work look really awful?