
Wow, describing Lee's voice as a "lilting tenor" is pretty (cough) charitable of you. I believe Rush has found their new publicist. 

Wow, describing Lee's voice as a "lilting tenor" is pretty (cough) charitable of you. I believe Rush has found their new publicist. 

Agreed on the divisiveness. I used to use it as a litmus test on new acquaintances.

Agreed on the divisiveness. I used to use it as a litmus test on new acquaintances.

I would take a bullet for my dog. I've been a dog owner/lover my entire life and I know how dreadful things are for strays and abandoned dogs. I also know of how sinful and terrible it is that people don't spay or neuter their dogs. I don't think I would watch this show.

I would take a bullet for my dog. I've been a dog owner/lover my entire life and I know how dreadful things are for strays and abandoned dogs. I also know of how sinful and terrible it is that people don't spay or neuter their dogs. I don't think I would watch this show.

Fuck you Corgan, and die in a fire.

I hate to say this, but "Meh." The DVR screwed up and didn't record the second hour, so I can only judge from the first episode. It seemed marginally better than last season, the pacing was quicker for sure. Overall, though it's still a bit thin and flimsy.

I hate to say this, but "Meh." The DVR screwed up and didn't record the second hour, so I can only judge from the first episode. It seemed marginally better than last season, the pacing was quicker for sure. Overall, though it's still a bit thin and flimsy.

Sorry, can't bring myself to hit the play button.

Sorry, can't bring myself to hit the play button.

I can't help but hear Balaban's distinct voice in my head while reading his answers. A national treasure.

I can't help but hear Balaban's distinct voice in my head while reading his answers. A national treasure.

I wasn't a big Weird Al fan but damn if this movie isn't hilarious. And hey, it's got Victoria Jackson before she became a batshit crazy evangelical Christian.

I wasn't a big Weird Al fan but damn if this movie isn't hilarious. And hey, it's got Victoria Jackson before she became a batshit crazy evangelical Christian.

How exactly can he appear in an I am Legend sequel when he dies? I'd rather see the dog come back.

How exactly can he appear in an I am Legend sequel when he dies? I'd rather see the dog come back.

Oh, how I want the commenter to come back who called someone racist for using the "Earf" joke.

Oh, how I want the commenter to come back who called someone racist for using the "Earf" joke.

:: gets jellyfish ready ::