
…and this is why I shouldn't drink coffee while reading AV Club comments.

My favorite part was how rough she was, slapping Ruffalo's face, etc. I enjoyed watching it, but I also thought, "Would a lesbian who hasn't had sex with a man in X amount of years really be that over-the-top?"

Robo McQueen 3000
Should be playing this role.

So this isn't about ill-fated 80's supergroup The Firm featuring Paul Rodgers and Jimmy Page?

@ jajajoose, it's absolutely a positive that he knows his sports.

I'm way too invested in this show. What an ass-kicking episode. Raylan has been unhinged for most of the season and yet pulls back from the brink of executing Dickie. Only to have Dickie go free in the end and also get back in the fold with Mags.

Ooooh NOW I get it
I thought the new villainess is called the Rebooter because she has OCD and is compelled to constantly take off and put back on her boots.

:: Throws away his own script in progress futuristic post-apocalyptic revenge thriller Zorro makeover::

Funny, I was also going to post about my early Beck obsession. His output from about 1993-1996 was prodigious and eclectic to say the least. I really admired how Beck would jump from style to style. Looking back, I don't know if it was from him finally having the means and resources to record everything and anything

It's absolutely easier. It's not like you're going to find a rare Truffaut b-side or a demo version of one of his films.

Thanks for the post, the first paragraph alone says it all.

His upper lip
scares me.

He works hard so he can keep his mind off of his alleged latent homosexuality.

The only black people in Brooklyn are the guys from TV on the Radio.

I can only bring myself to climax when MNBC is on.

Sadly, there are a lot of people out there interested in this.

Not too sure if they were actually making fun of The Replacements.

Really? REALLY?
Jesus Christ pogoing at a punk show, I really didn't need to hear this news today.

Go back under your bridge, troll.

Ummm, that's what I wrote unregistered troll wanker. Sad that you survived that abortion.