
To quote Sinatra, "It was a very good year." Kudos to Heller that he not only covers the obvious choices but digs damn deep on this article. Well done.

I'm sure it's some marketing schmuck's idea of being "edgy."

Anarchy symbol?
Really? I know that the anarchy symbol is about as meaningful as the peace symbol nowadays, but c'mon. Sadder still is that the review mentions the record label co-opting Lupe's vision and artistic integrity. Anarchy indeed.

There's also a similar story about Steve McQueen doing the same thing in Bullitt.

Barton Fink at the old Fine Arts Theatre in Chicago. My date and I got high in Grant Park before going in and we wound up having to sit in the very front row. We both wound up nauseous from being under the influence and sitting so damn close to the screen. Good times.

Something about fish mongers.

Would you care to show us where the Magical Negro rubbed you wrong, Raymond?

They can open for my new prog-rock jam band, Magic and Poetry.

I dunno, it's a different kinda crazy but I'm not sure if it's superior to Gibson's. Gibson brings genuine menace to his game plus he's got that great, gravelly cigarette voice. Sheen just sounds like he's stoned to the gills and rambling but is generally harmless.

Thanks once again AV Club
I'm a complete Leonard neophyte and I've been awaiting a Gateways article to put me on the path. Thank you.

But where are the Blasters, dammit!

Boyd is such a great character. It's not often that I feel genuine sympathy for a fictional person, but I felt that for Boyd last night.

You just blew up Watson.

She probably just
hangs out drinking warm milk while working on the NYT crossword.

Wait, she has a goat backstage?

That's all I can say about political discourseā€¦or the lack thereof in our country today.

So sorry Karla. Let me qualify my statement with, "modern-day evangelical Christians."

Baby killing
Bieber's response to the abortion question pretty much echoes any other Christian's simple minded take on a complicated topic.

I dunno about lesbian. I think that would be too pervy for her. I'm thinking she'll be overbearing and smothering and of course a harsh disciplinarian when challenged.

Menacing Mags
Good god was that a creepy scene with Mags and Loretta.