
Sitcoms and Money
Another hefty episode as usual. Larger questions aside, it was refreshing to see an honest depiction of celebrity finance for a change. Even on Entourage when Vince is down and out, he always finds a way to make it work. No such luck for Louie. For more analysis:

This definitely wasn't the show's strongest, but Switcheroo saved it. In that seemingly innocent, very low-key few minutes Benjamin challenged our ideas of reality just as much as he did in that fisting club. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/jon-b…

The Cold Truth
It is nice to see Cathy finally facing the hard truth of what she's up against. Dr. Todd may have been fun, but Sherman seems like he may actually get results. Here's to hoping!

Treme's New York
It sure was a great season, even with how hollow the New York scenes felt. We spent a long time thinking about it, but have finally come to the conclusion that maybe they were meant to be that way all along. For more analysis:

Everyone Does It
The second segment was definitely a downer, but after some thought we think it's less strange than it originally seemed. Sure the situation is outlandish, but so are must things on Louie when he really goes for it. Underneath all the creepiness, he was just trying to make a point about how awkward

This Week's Lesson:
While this may not have been quite as good as the pilot, it certainly didn't merit a C+. Just another reason why this grading system is arbitrary, but we digress…

Wheelchair Guns
This episode was a blast, but not because of any broken/unbroken sketch comedy rules. We just love seeing Jon Benjamin continue to be an unabashed dick even in the most sensitive of situations. The wheelchair segment may have felt over the top, but it had much more to do with how HJB reacted than the

Nancy the Destroyer
Having not seen anything since Season 3, this was a doubly refreshing return. I had some idea what had come in between (Shane's big act etc.) but nothing more. Honestly I didn't feel like I missed much. Nancy almost seemed reflective but by the end of the episode she was back to her same old

The Pleasure of Pycelle
At first Pycelle's scene seemed to just be another moment of sexposition, but after thinking it over all week we realized there was more going on. He had the honor of firmly establishing the show's very own sense of humor:

Further analysis
Want some analysis that runs a little deeper? We've got you covered:

Amoral to the core?
The mechanics of sketch comedy weren't on our mind so much as the message of the show itself. Jon Benjamin has proven that any amount of sensitivity is over-sensitivity, a bold position indeed. This of course makes for some hilarious, while amoral, television. Where does it leave us though? For

The line between relatability and subjectivity
Sure, the episode was great. We felt that way too. But what else was going on here? What is Louis C.K. asking us to relate to? Many things. Some people will agree, others may think this is totally unrealistic. That, rather than quality of its production, is the beauty of

Pet/Owner Relationship
Ryan's struggle to find his inner beast is definitely intriguing. Even more so, in our opinion, is the pet/owner dynamic? Are we letting our dogs get away with truly malicious acts? For more analysis:

In Defense of The Killing
First off, we agree that it was sloppy to not have the season planned out. The odd red herring is okay if it actually means something, but as filler it's a bit disgraceful. We never expected the murder to be solved or the cops to be all that good at their jobs though. How else would a murder

Daenerys Dragon Mother
We couldn't agree more with the take on Dany. Sometimes you can only trust yourself. That's why she started the season as a pawn and ended as a queen. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/game-…

Daenerys the Dragon Mother
Daenerys definitely had the biggest moment of all in this final episode, putting her in prime position to make a grab for the throne someday. Having started as a pawn she is now very much a queen. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/game-…

Read Game of Thrones first. It may feel redundant but it will give you a much better sense of what the world looks like than the show could. After that, on to Clash of Kings.

Ned's Surprise
The Ned surprise certainly got us the first time around too, but even knowing it was coming we found it hard to watch. He'd lost the game weeks ago, but we still held out a little hope. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/game-…

Ned's Failure
We agree that Ned's situation had become near impossible, we just wish he could have realized it sooner. Because really, he'd already lost weeks ago. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/game-…

Robb's Manhood Application
We agreed that Robb's arc felt a little muddy. Part of that is the inevitably breakneck pace of this show, but also the realities of his world. Becoming a man happens quickly and out of necessity, especially when leading an army into battle. Robb's only other option is failure and doom for