
Robb's Manhood Application
Where we the only ones who felt that Robb ascended to manhood a little too quickly? Not that we still feel that way, but at first it was a little jarring. Now we've come to realize that it's all just part of the game. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/game-…

A Portrait of Normality
We'd never watched this show before and happened to pop in for the finale. It was certainly enjoyable, not entirely our cup of tea, but enjoyable. To that end we thought it would be fun to write a little slice of life for the characters, what their days look like. We present to you, a portrait

Ned's Rules
We're still happy with the book to show translation. Maybe it's been too long since we read them to remember the differences, but it's made for a nice viewing experience. Remember just enough to know what's going on but not enough that we can't be surprised on occasion. This week's Littlefinger coup did

Ned's Rules
This episode was definitely one of the most exciting yet, but we can't help but feel for poor Ned. He just can't seem to understand that no one else is playing by honorable rules. For more analysis:

After all we've seen about mothers lately (it being Mothers Day and all) it was nice to see a nod to the fathers. As the clan's Papa Bear, a Jay-centric episode was the best gift anyone could ask for. More analysis:

The Usurper's Mistake
Viserys had been a little over the top but it's because he was power mad. He was acting like king when really he was just another usurper. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/game-…

The Usurper's Mistake
This was definitely the strongest Viserys had been yet and the most conflicted. Watching his complete failure to understand the rules of the game was tragic despite his arrogance. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/game-…

Well, Myles, You May Be Right
We often disagree with the thoughts about "The Office" here on AV Club, but this time we also felt something lacking. Overall a lot of the subplots already felt resolves and the "who's the boss" cliff hanger is definitely a tease. In addition to all this, though, we may have found an

More Thoughts
We agree that these were both great episodes. "The Bubble" made Ron destroy his principles to save the office: http://realcityny.com/parks…

Tyrion's Dilemma
Tyrion is definitely in a tough situation now, though despite his status he already was before. The whole world thinks they know him when they really have no idea what he's capable of. For more analysis (and no spoilers): http://realcityny.com/game-…

Tyrion's Dilemma
We agree that the pace is certainly a sight to behold. Thankfully they haven't lost sight of Tyrion's status issues. No matter what he does, it seems that everyone in Westeros already has him figured out. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/game-…

Is New Always Better?
Out of everything, we found the questioning of Barney's favorite rule most interesting. It appears that new may in fact not always be better. For more analysis:

Final Thoughts
Myles may have been too busy to keep up on the show, but we watched every single episode. It started as a joke and became a commitment. Over time the show did indeed get better, and at times funnier, but ultimately it missed an opportunity. What could've been a cultural landmarks of Americans and

Management Subtlety
We can't help but wonder if the opening words about your doubts of the show last week are about us. If so, we're flattered and glad to hear a more detailed explanation of your approach. Of everything said here, your point about subtlety is particularly interesting. Michael's force of personality

Catharsis and Sitcom Tropes
We agree that these were both great episodes. "The Fight" proved that alcohol can lead to some powerful catharsis indeed. For more analysis: http://realcityny.com/parks…

Abed's Emotional Troubles
Another element that we think deserves another look is Abed's emotional issues. Yet again, he's using movie to hide from actual human connection. The kiss with Annie may be his worse yet. For more analysis:

Stick With What Works
We agree that the show isn't doing as poorly as many people claim. Sure this wasn't their best, but it also held a good message for everyone to think about. Stick with what's working and you'll be golden. For more analysis:

The Lesson of Ed and Zoey
We're often one of those parties that don't care about the dead ends, but this episode definitely made it clear why we should. Having to make this decision forced Ted to grow up and in turn move that much closer to his ultimate goal. For more analysis:

Sansa as Royal Pawn
We agree that this episode was the best yet, informative yet enjoyable. One aspect which we particularly enjoyed was the beginning of Sansa's realization that she's part of a very dangerous royal game. For more analysis:

Kenneth's New Direction?
We agree that the show can take a break from guest stars and wackiness, but only if it's willing to try something new. Kenneth's final scene could just be another throwaway joke, but we sincerely hope it's something more. For further analysis: