B Town

Frightened Rabbit! Fuck yeah. I thought I'd see them at that one Coachella a couple years ago, but the volcano stopped them from coming. One day.

Literally the two bands I wanted to see this year are Gaslight and Japandroids, and sure enough, they're touring together…on the other side of the world.

Sofia Coppola is a more accomplished, focused filmmaker than Harmony Korine. That dude has let me down too many times, whereas even when Sofia fails, she fails in an interesting way. But "Spring Breakers" looks prepared to stomp all over this.

Eminem can obviously be really off-putting. He definitely sounds like he's straining, no question - but because he often plays the role of the angry loner in his songs, it actually winds up working. The authenticity is still there.

Cube is truly amazing. Same for Andre and Q-Tip, Rakim and Ghostface. Tupac, also, is obviously way up there.

Gimme the Loot is a fucking showcase - I sincerely thought it was two different rappers the first time I heard it, though granted I was 11.

I loved all the VR mind-world sequences in ALS: The birds, the cone-knives, everything.

Great voices are cool again, particularly if there are many of them all glowing serenely in harmony (Fleet Foxes, Head & the Heart, etc.) I wouldn't worry about it.

To answer your question, it would probably be either John Lennon or Freddie Mercury - being exposed to their vocals early on, both definitely showed me how to convey a range of emotion through a variety of song types. One of them utterly dominates the other in terms of technical mastery (no points for guessing), but

I would personally put Eminem somewhere on a list of the best rapping voices, since while he only conveys one emotion, he does it insanely well - but nobody beats Biggie when it comes to a commanding hip-hop voice.

A song simply has to connect with the listener. They can be rockingly thrilled by the vocal pyrotechnics, or be disarmed with empathy by the weakness. But either way the songwriting has to match the performer, to emerge as a personal statement authentically delivered, and then the audience is in the palm of your hand.

I think both are fantastic at expressing what they're trying to express. Andrew WK is trying to get you to see how incredible and life-changing partying can be, while Freddie wants to convey how fucking amazing of a singer and stage presence he is and how more people should suck his dick because of it.

Calvin & Hobbes, The South Park movie, Back to the Future, Chris Rock's "Bring the Pain," Arrested Development S2, and Butch Walker's "Sycamore Meadows."

Yup, Michael Rousselet's his name, and creating cults around insanely bad movies is his game.

My buddy wrote the introduction to this book, having essentially been "Patient Zero" for starting the cult. He was all by himself in the theater watching it, and 15 minutes in or something like that, he was already calling his friends and begging the theater to show it again soon.

Yup, I noticed them too. They're awesome, funny guys, and deserve to work with power players like Whedon a lot more - a black-and-white, whimsical riff on Shakespeare is as good a place to start as any.

All I know is, the only episode I ever watched of this is the one where they went to the mall, and it was so surreally awful I couldn't rip my eyes away from the screen. I can only imagine it got better from there. I mean, it had to.

I love the way the Chrome notification pops up when you manually delete history, saying "Pssst! Next time you want to masturbate to dying animals, use Incognito Mode! Thumbs up! Okay bye now!"

"The company’s most effective recent commercial was the aforementioned one where a herd of sheeple wait in line for the latest iPhone model, while much hipper GSIII users live quietly content lives with their allegedly superior smartphones."

Hated the ending. It was like the movie stopped playing around with fun camera tricks for a second, realized I might actually CARE about India now that she saved her mother from a psychopath, and made sure to put a stop to that by making her a bona fide murderer at the end. But I guess, if we're taking the story