I hope that makes you feel really good.
I hope that makes you feel really good.
Harry Goz, Howlin' Mad Murphy on Sealab 2021.
"Uh, oh! The professor said not to let him get a boner!"
Gotta love the scene where he shoots up the trunk of the car with the dude in it.
White Heat
Made it Ma! Top of the World!
Didn't Mad TV already make fun of this?
I swear I saw a bit on Comedy Central where the pseudo celebs (Kathy Griffen, Charlotte Rae, etc) were remembering the 00's and they ended up in a time warp where they were talking about things that happened seconds ago.
Straight to Hell by The Clash
Is our hate of her talking over another group's song supposed to be less because it was a good song by a good band?
If you don't like Hamlet, what do you like?
Cooking Competitions
I don't get it.
Your = a possessive in second person
You're = you are
Geek Test
Never seen this. Probably never will.
There's a doin's a-transpirin'
Just take some fucking Benadryl. Problem solved.
I hope that means tits.
He says he'll pay for anything his grandpa orders.
I Wanna Be A Flintstone
Yabba Dabba Do Time.
Major Hennington in Walker. I bet he has some interesting things to say about filming in Nicarauga.
Bukowski: Born Into This
There's nothing quite like realizing a guy whose writing you laugh at and love is really just as bad, if not worse in real life than his Chinaski character. Particularly with the violence and misogynistic behavior.
Wow, I can't believe Renegade is dead.
Johnny Six-Killer will give a tits eulogy though, I'm sure.
William Devane, I thought.