Not Today

I thought the opposite. She's the ultimate True Believer, so when the fire says to reverse course, she does.

One point per finger seems fair.

OK, now you know three things, Jon Snow.

To Season 3 highlights, I would add: meeting Mance Rayder (and that CGI giant), wildlings climbing the wall, Sam whacking a WW, Dany sacking Yunkai, Tyrion getting drunk at his wedding and Jaime losing his hand. Plus, everything with Tywin.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Worked for G.W.

GoT-themed greeting cards would be spectacular. What's the matter, GRRM, you principled anti-sellout?! Can't you smell the filthy gold?!

Yes. Is it even possible to write reviews for a series (as a site) as popular as this and not get spoiled? I imagine people tracking him down on the street and dropping Book 5 plot points on him like F-bombs.

Over here we call that Sansadenfreude.

Yeah! They're kind of setting her up to be the counterweight to Danaerys.

Arya would have killed Tyrion on his little couch without a second thought. Bye bye, Arya.

That was a great introspective moment for The Hound. "Well, shit, if she stole my knife, maybe she really could kill me in my sleep."

Extra delicious: Jaime would get to do this one left handed.

@avclub-ce6c92303f38d297e263c7180f03d402:disqus Grand Maester Pycelle: Hmm… now was that one spoonful or two? Ah well, better safe then sorry —

Yep. Mine does.

Seems to me that it has to be building to something different.

Isn't that pretty much what happened with the Dothraki?

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus -1 intelligence, -1 wisdom per year?

@avclub-826aad531083df9d0c5dbf488a9973c9:disqus I just assumed that she would conquer each city and move on; what's left of the slaver society left to fend for itself (serves those fuckers right) and everyone who chooses to back her joining the caravan.

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus And as awesome as she was at Astapor, someday we're going to get to see her ride a dragon into battle, methinks. That would be worth the protracted build up.

I think Dany's story would resonate better if it hadn't been 36 real-time months since we saw her sold off to Kahl Drogo.