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At least it didn't just cut to black sans credits right before Catelyn got her throat —

Oh please God let this be true.

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus The Lord of Light works in mysterious ways.

I disagree. As an Unsullied, I'm pretty sensitive to the "experts" who come here to play fast and loose with the rules of the forum, but this is one of the few book comparisons that I appreciate finding here. It's after the fact, and carefully (carefully!) non-spoliery, and helps explain what just happened on the show.

I think that's it. Hell, I haven't read the books, but I'm envious of friends who haven't started watching the show yet.

"You can have them both if you want."

Exactly. When Ned died it was, " Wow! Anything can happen on this show!"

That bit reminded me of The Three Amigos.

I was impressed by how impressed she was at simple literacy. It's a nice in-joke.

@avclub-46d86f3405f0cc85875b08e229666158:disqus It could be a long time. But then again, are we sure there isn't some fast-forwarding coming? 
I could see a few years here and there getting elided away — like Arya in badass ninja training or Dany's dragons growing up — so that the series can jump to the next inflection


I'm wondering if this episode 10 will break that pattern a little. Or maybe just hoping it does. Wouldn't it be a serious kick in the head if all hell really broke loose this week? I'm not expecting it, but I wasn't expecting Death-a-palooza in episode 9 either, even though it was an episode 9.

In retrospect, kind of surprising that the Bolton who did the de-handing didn't catch more hell for it from Roose. Seems like the kind of thing that could have seriously fucked up the bigger plan.

I blame Jaime the most. If he'd just let the Mad King burn KL to the ground, none of this would have happened.

re: a) I did too. Completely. They set it up so well, with the tense scene in the throne room followed by the release of dramatic tension once the party started.  Then that fake sense that everything was going be be OK when Robb and Talisa were talking about baby Ned and the future. I was sure Bolton would betray them

"I can't find Pussy anywhere."

@Scrawler2:disqus It sure seems dumb in retrospect, but I don't think it was supposed to "read" that way, exactly. 
From Robb's perspective, he was there to make a peace offering to an ally of last resort. He was in a desperate position, and so made every effort to have the reconciliation go through; consciously going

I bet the fallout from this within House Lannister will be delicious.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus nobody, not even the rain has such small Littlefingers

Good point about Robb bringing this largely upon himself, and I think the same is true for Catelyn, too. A great character, but man did she ever screw some stuff up. Taking Tyrion hostage, promising Robb to Lord Frey in the first place, letting Jaime go, and then giving up on her warnings about Frey being