Pseudonyms Anonymous

I disagree a bit with your interpretation. Remember, the critique of Wu's work comes mostly from Malcolm, who rants about Wu's detachment. Malcolm is such an avowed hater of technology and science that he can't be a reliable narrator.

It holds up reasonably well except for Crichton's penchant for railing about the evils of technology, science, and anyone who uses them, in this case using Malcolm as his surrogate. I remember lots of BS, in particular some nonsense about how it takes as long to clean a house now as it did in the early 1900s, and that

You know, I wonder if a full-grown tyrannosaur would even bother trying to eat a person. I mean, we eat chickens, but only because we domesticated them. For hunting things, people went after deer and whatnot. There's not much nutritional value in a person for a creature that weighs 8 tons.

Well, Gennaro in the movie is two characters from the book: the lawyer named Gennaro and the publicist for the park, Ed Regis (if I recall correctly). Regis was there for the T-rex attack on the Land Cruisers, then was killed by the juvenile tyrannosaur. Gennaro was elsewhere, with Dr. Sattler and the veterinarian,

That sure would create some monster ethical issues, wouldn't it? Imagine: people who aren't quite people, but aren't just animals, kept in a zoo. I think it was Bill Bryson who once wrote that it was good that Neanderthals had gone extinct on their own; they'd almost certain have been enslaved had they survived.

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, but *most* dinosaurs were smaller than people.

Overheard in 3 BBY: Incom is building a brand-new snubfighter for future space superiority battles, but costs are out control, more than 4 billion credits. Cancel order!

Governor Haley has no foreign policy experience, but has been tasked with advancing US interests in a body that was skeptical of American goals even before we elected a man who talks about nuclear weapons and war crimes with the same casualness as I talk about choosing a necktie. So far, we have:
* An attorney general

As we say around here: it can be two things.

Pence might be *fractionally* better in his attitude toward most racial minorities. He would be far worse in his views on LGBTQ people.

You don't have to shut up. Xanderpuss is a bit too overzealous. Trump's election isn't necessarily the end of the USA, but it is calamitous. Never has there been a candidate with such utter contempt for democratic norms. Set aside all of his stupid policy plans (incomplete sketches though they are). This is a man who

It absolutely isn't. Concessions play no role in the process, which is why Al Gore withdrew his at the start of the Florida Recount Fiasco of 2000.

Order the offender waterboarded, probably. I don't think I'm joking.

"Part of conservatism is believing people are imperfect and not expecting perfection in this life." Oh, spare me. Most conservatives only started spouting that language when their preferred party nominated a racist, misogynist bully for president. Otherwise, they never would have crucified Bill Clinton for a

What Trump says about his support for LGBTQ rights isn't particularly relevant. He says he'll pick federal judges who will vote to overturn Roe. I can tell you, with a high degree of certainty, that most judges who'd vote to overturn Roe would also vote to overturn Obergefell.

I'm more a fan of twinks than bears, so that's one. Idiotking makes two.

It's true, but only if they're doing so in order to "prove" a false equivalence.

Yes, they did. However, we specifically included waterboarding as a form of torture when arguing for their imprisonment or execution.

Read what I wrote. I didn't say you can't have an opinion. I disagree with you about validity, because an opinion based on erroneous data is worse in my book than an opinion based on facts, but that's a separate matter. I said you don't understand what it's like to be gay in America today, or what it was like to be a

Considering that we imprisoned or executed Japanese personnel for waterboarding our people in World War II, it's pretty clear how we felt about it.