Pseudonyms Anonymous

Politics *is* a workplace, at least for Congress. It's clear that there are differences from other work environments, in
that private statements also have public utterances to go along with
them. And yes, in politics, showing distaste for the views of the other side is part of the process; that is a difference, too.

And Biden has a penis. For some independents, and even some Democrats, that's an issue. Misogyny is mostly a feature of the political right, but not entirely, and I don't doubt for a second that many people would have voted for a man with Hillary Clinton's exact record, warts and all.

Please do me the courtesy of reading what I wrote, and responding to that, rather than inventing words that I did. Not. Say.

If you don't think that Al Franken stands up for the people, you've never watched him ask questions in the Senate. Look, the GOP's agenda is wrong-headed and frustrating. However, a big part of the dysfunction we have comes from the inability of the left and right to find any common ground and build relationships.

I am going to have to give that a watch. Thanks.

You may be making a joke, in which I apologize for ruining it, but Klaus Barbie isn't a doll. He was an officer in the Gestapo in occupied France, torturing and killing people in ways that were extreme even by SS standards. He may have been responsible for 14,000 deaths, including — to name but one nasty example — the

If you don't think that was rape, then you have no conception of what consent is.

Begging the question is a sort of circular reasoning. Saying, "The reason that 'Game of Thrones' is so popular is that everyone likes it," is begging the question. Begging the question has nothing to do with questions, actually. It's a translation error from Latin into English that stuck with us.

Well, that's just like religious people everywhere: "What? You believe that the cycle of the universe is maintained by the destruction of evil by a blue-skinned, four-armed, three-eyed fellow with a luau made of skulls!? That's ridiculous. Yes, of course Jesus walked on water and — separately — turned it into wine,

Sadly, it's true. I suppose it's nice that PETA has the courage of their convictions, but, my god, they are absurd sometimes.

I have grim memories of Whitehorse. I was driving to Alaska from Oregon with a friend, and we blew a tire there. Thank the gods it happened close to town, such as it is. That is one empty part of the world.

Canadians don't find the USA exotic in the way United Statesians who have never left the Lower 48 find Canada. Clearly, a Canadian would say, "My girlfriend [or boyfriend] in the UK," or "My girlfriend [or boyfriend in France," depending on whether or not they are Quebecois.

Nope. Hybrid Theory hadn't even been released when I was 17.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that different people have different interests and tastes. I don't like country music, but I don't scorn people who do. Don't be so condescending.

"Could a man please tell me the card's CVV number?"

Thanks to you, I learned something new. I was going to correct you and say that no states have yet reached majority-minority status, but thought I should look it up first. Turns out there are five: California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. Demography marches on!

Jeff Session is as clumsy as he is stupid.

I agree with your sentiments. I'd like to implore you not to use your last word. It punches down at people who are already marginalized. Just a request.

"The populace" wants stricter gun laws. Poll after poll shows that.

I agree with you partially, bfred, though I would say that Harry displays considerable heroism in the end. Remember that he walks into a confrontation with an enemy he can't defeat in the full expectation that he will be killed for the sake of his friends. It's not the grinding slog against tyranny that Neville