Pseudonyms Anonymous

So is speeding, since people who speed are more likely to cause accidents that, incidentally, cause real, serious harm (permanent injury or death). So, you're immoral and criminal, too, about your "victimless" crime. Perhaps you oughtn't get into such high dudgeon with everyone ever about it.

Your theory is a fun one, and I like it. On the other hand, I've personally turned down (or avoided applying for) job opportunities that would have paid better and given me more responsibility, but would have meant leaving a place where I really felt my work was valued and where I was part of an incredible team. So,

No-one has seen fit to mention Vonda McIntyre's novelization of "Star Trek II?" It's pretty brutal. If you want to hear all the gory details of what Khan did the Genesis Project scientists, it's got you covered. It also has an adorably dated reference to a piece of gaming software that was "50 megs," described as the

The novel also greatly expands the role of the Death Star's commanding officer, Moff Jerjerrod, including his orders to vaporize the Forest Moon if the Alliance knocked out the shield generator.

You say that "calling for specific types of diversity is perpetuating the problem," but that's nowhere near as problematic as the default assumption that heroes must be white men, or that Bond isn't Bond in some fashion if he's not white.

No need to apologize. It's a new world of sex and gender terms, and we all get tripped up from to time. Cheers.

It would be nice for Star Trek (and sci-fi) to embrace transgender relationships, too, but don't confuse "cisgender" with heterosexual. I'm gay, but I'm cisgender (I present as, and feel that I am, a man), and I date cisgender gay men.

I've heard a very similar argument about the authenticity of the response of the disciples from N.T. Wright, and it's an intriguing point. There's not much talk of a bodily resurrection, though, until long after Jesus's death at the hands of Rome. Paul doesn't talk of his encounter on the Damascus Road in a way that

Many of my relatives definitely follow the God-as-Santa-Claus model. She believed that her prayers brought about a snowy holiday, because she wanted a white Christmas. Ignored in this analysis was the impact on homeless people who were made more miserable, not to mention those who died in snow-related car crashes. I

Watch it anyway. Know thy enemy.

Thanks for the sorry, and I agree with you. I work in K-12 education, so I hear Mr./Ms./Mrs. more than most American workplaces, and Mrs. is still all too alive and well.

Are you, by any chance, an Iranian nuclear physicist?

I never claimed to be taking the lead on modern feminism, I never said that I was the first to see it this way (though I'm only the person who does this in my peer group), and I wasn't alive in 1972. Now, was the rudeness strictly necessary?

The title Mrs. really bothers me. The label for men doesn't change with marriage; why should it for women? To me, it's just a legacy of the property view of marriage. So, I call every woman above the age of majority Ms. and pronounce it "Mizz." Nobody seems to notice, and thus nobody seems to mind.

In fairness, it's not his fault he was offered the job. You can't expect him to turn down a dream job.

This is a "Star Trek" cruise, not one for "Fifty Shades of Grey."

What Democrats, where? He's said that union leaders planning a strike should be shot. He believes that environmental regulations of any kind are government overreach, dismisses speed limits as health and safety nonsense, has utter contempt for public transportation and anyone who uses it. He uses racist epithets

He's done other asshole-ish things. The bit with the "slant" bridge that had an Asian man on it is asshole territory. If a mainstream American television show showed a pickup truck after a rainstorm, with a Mexican man sitting on the tailgate, and the show presenter said, "It has a wet back now,"

Worf was pretty conservative. Very traditional views on marriage. Always in favor of using force to accomplish political objectives. Often unreasonably suspicious of alien races. Oh, and he's a monarchist.

For a certain strand of religious fundamentalists, the only good part of the NT is the Book of Revelation, where Jesus will come back and punish everyone they don't like.