Bull Shannon

And they had noses like puppy dogs!

The best part of Avatar was when they get back at the corporate loggers by dipping all their outfits in liquid nitrogen. Hilarious.

Is that really how they hang dudes? I mean, traditionally, your dropped from a gallows because it breaks your neck.

It seems the funnier the plaintiff thinks they are being, the worse they are. That Max kid seemed to think every thing he said was downright amusing.

I don't dislike the actress or the character. However, it has felt like they've been trying to include her in the story out of some obligation I don't quite understand.

Finally, David Foster Wallace in a medium for people who don't want to go through the trouble of reading the work that made David Foster Wallace significant.
That is, a movie for most people who like to talk about David Foster Wallace.

It's not a sacrifice if you don't lose anything.

"…I hope you're reading this aloud to the rest of the bunny men because they need to hear this, too."

Hello Joe!

Hey hey we're the Mokees people say we Mokey around.

Oh, hi. Didn't see you come in. I'm TV's David Duchovny. We've had some fun times here on Californication. Some of which, you'll see in this next montage, were quite *titillating*…

Not really; they just sorta showed her…seem…to use them…or something…at the beginning of the movie.

It would've been cool if they went full-tilt, with ray guns that shoot wavy O's at people, who then turn into skeletons.

There's a spectrum of absurdity. It's about drawing a line in the sand and saying "Beyond this line you DO. NOT-"
And also, Dude, Ray Winstone did his best with what he was given.

On the DVD's making of featurette, Spielberg talks about Lucas' enthusiasm about revisiting the franchise in a way that's just a touch shy of resentful and world-weary.

Not gonna defend the lifeboat, but the rest of the stuff you described was so much cooler than Louis Stevens swinging from tree-to-tree with a bunch of CG monkeys and somehow keeping up with speeding jeeps.

It feels like it was one of those scripts where each writer contributed a cool, new element that Spielberg/Lucas fell too in love with to drop. Kinda left us with a lumpy movie (like Cate Blanchett the alien psychic. What was that?)

Seeing as Disney is picking up franchises that have been screwed up enough not to ruin further, I'd like to suggest a few properties worth scooping up:

After listening to a good chunk of the Nerdist podcast, I'm just tired of how proud he sounds of himself. Also, there's a certain point where you're announcing your nerdiness so much that it feels like you're overcompensating.

He'll blow our minds by making the sixth episode from the point of view of a book.