
Royal Headache is a kick ass band.

Mine too! Lexington?

goddam, I knew it wouldn't take long for a fuckin' Dawes "joke" to make it in here. I can't be the only one tired of it,can I?

I have seen Rollins with Rollins Band,they opened for Jane's Addiction. Stellar fuckin concert.

and all the Brazilian tranny porn.

ugh…the mention of The Replacements hurts me. They only came near me a couple of times and I missed them both. Once because they played an over-21 club and the second because I was grounded. I've never forgiven my mother for that inspired bit of parenting.

I just saw Lucero a couple weeks ago. Absolutely stellar live act.

Holy shit, that's Tom Petty in the Dwight Tilley video.

I didn't realize they were real.

I hate it because vampires don't sparkle in the sun, they burst into flame.

It should be immoral to watch the Steelers because their QB is a rapist.

YES YES! Now, I gotta hit you tube for some old SA goodness.

So true, but I would say more Replacements-lite than Husker-lite. Cartoon is a stellar song

But Bjork was actually cute.


Are you shitting me? 80 bucks? I would probably pay it, I love those guys.

Man, I was trying to get some Descendents jokes in. This is the one where Clooney doesn't wanna grow up.
Clooney drinks from the bonus cup and begins his quest for All.
Clooney's not a cool guy anymore, as if he ever was before.
Ah, I feel better.

You're from the neighborhood? You're a neighbor!