
Watching Scotty Die by The Dead Milkmen. It doesnt really "rock" but its funny as hell.

Thats funny as hell. Thanks Your Mother.

Kurt even wondered if they had ripped off the Pixies. Thats the  story I tell my son and his friends when I try to get them into the  Pixies as they all love Nirvana.

We say fuck alot,we say fuck alot, FUNGUS 53!

Jewel is the worlds best poet.



Its called HBO GO. But you have to be a subscriber to get ti and your cable provider has to offer it. Time/Warner doesnt for some reason.

Hopefully they will use that Run-DMC tune as the theme song. Dumb with a capital D. The girl is dumb.

Theres a guy at every Bengals home game that wears a stormtrooper suit painted orange with the Bengals logo on the chest. Its pretty damn neat.

Oh, you youngins, being ashamed of Limp Bisquick that you listened to as a kid, make me feel old. I was in my early-mid twenties when nu-metal and the like hit. And asay what you will about rap-metal, Rage Against the Machine still kick ass.

I wonder how Abed from Community actually ended up in an episode of Cougartown. Didnt figure rival networks would condone such cross pollination.

Apparently a few other posters here are in KY too. I saw MMJ a little while back at Memorial Coliseum and it was epic. Never really listened to them too much before that and was blown away by the band.

WoW @2 Wycked and Lone Audience! Were you guys at the show in Memorial? I was too. Small world,people,small world. I was pleasent suprised by the amount of guitar freakouts during the show. MMJ friggin brought the ruckus!

is the gymist chick gonna die by thumbtack?

Oh Fungus and Fred. how I miss thee…

My kids were born in early 90s too. But they listened to what daddy wanted to listen to in the car and living room. I got them both cd palyers for their bedrooms and would play music(kid music, lullabies) for them in there. Hell, my boy would pull himself up on the coffee table to jam out to Rage Against the Machine

Hip hop
The only type of music that I feel has passed me by is modern rap music. I realize Lil Wayne is considered a great rapper nowadays but to me its just so much blather. I am more excited oover the new Beasties album than any hiphop from the past ten years. I like telling my kids about how the Ices Cube and T

These things are getting more and more useless. I thought Source Code looked cool as hell with a fairly original concept. AND dissing THOR because some stupid kid in a 20 year old movie liked him? lazy is what i think.

Try watching it in jail when they show a city close to you(Louisville) with people from there. they always want the guy to not get caught and say the ones who help the cops will pay for cooperating. Its a saddening experience.