
Corn on the Cobb?

In Soviet Union, suitcase thousand pound YOU!

Honestly, there's no trouble in life that can't be cleared up by a greased police flashlight.

Dude, is rape euphemized as 'I got thrown out of the game for charging the mound"?

party in my pants!! everyone's having a ball, er …at least two people are! HAHA!

Ok people. You've all probably seen this already but I think it's fucking relevant. Go on an youtube 3 minute Wicker Man. It's fucking awesome. Benny Hilll style, yo.

I think, on this, that the reviewer is NOT against raising awareness or critizing the guy for feeling the need raise awareness for this atrocity, but is instead criticizing, just like in 'Passion of the Christ," it's using the 'shock-them-with-graphic-gore-and-violence' technique to win people over to a cause, that,

I play a fender strat holocaster.

Anyone else ever notice that the NIB riff is like the same riff as Clapton's in Sunshine of Your Love? Just sayin. And yeah, I know most punk songs all sound like each other also.

And 'Watts" the problem with that?!?

so.. everyone! boycott this shit! stop shopping on eBay! Or something.

emotion lotion

One first feels the lion's roar in the trembling at the base of each of one's scrotums

That's what your mom said, yo.

TFAD, you ever seen a bulldog eating a jar of mayonaise?
Yeah… I could be a friend to you in here…. we ALL need friends in here.

why, oh why … don't I have any friends?
Is it a bad vibe, that I sends?

I, for one, welcome our new giant, insect overlords!

"oh, ayuh!"

Chritopher Walken. Nuff said.

Lexicondevil and ZMF mixin' it up… this is a balls-entertaining thread!