
@Unmutual… I hear ya, Aisa's awesome, and, sir, I'm intrigued by the concept of 'ass time'

I"LL SAY she likes Tool!!

'Wackverine' Priceless. That's why we love ZMF. Fo'SHO!

you and me, we're done professionally.

um …. Iggy Pop & the Sooges?!? anyone? …anyone?

yeah the key to enjoying this movie hinges on your ability to sustain suspension of disbelief. That said, it's fucking brilliantly done. It was just more concerned about getting the 'noir' elements correct, rather than the high school part correct. If you want an accurate portrayal of the whole 'high

Ok. I've just laughed so hard I shit myself. AND spewed booze all over my fucking keyboard. I love you fucks. Sincerely.

Thankyou, El Crab. Ya pretty much hafta give all those guys credit for Tropic Thunder. Fucking genius all around. Haven't laughed at a mainstream hollywood film that genuinely in a long-ass time.

hmmm. Does it have to do with kids in marching band?? Come on! I'm not trying to be a juvenile heel here.

can SOMEONE tell me what 'rusty trombone' is?? Seriously. The other kids are making fun of me at lunch.

in one of the stories, she sinks so low she actually goes to PrisonWine's apartment. …talk about degrading

'looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinkin!"

anyone remember him in Lost Boys…. I swear he was totally in that. Discuss.

This thread, like us, there is more to it THAN MEETS THE EYE

Dude. This thread turned into a talk-about-why-the-Matrix-sequels-are-bad conversation.

Chuck Berry?!? come ON. Everyone knows Michael J Fox invented rock n roll. Didn't you see Back to the Future? Rock n roll is a gift from white, conservative Reagan Republicans to black people. Your welcome, black people!

EVERYONE! stay away from the soilent green. I hear it's people.

that's just illumi-NUTTY!!

Cash rules everything around CREAM get tha money thas' a dolla dolla bill, y'all!

well HELL, ah could get a good look at a T-bone by stickin mah head up'a butchers ass but I'd rather take the cow's word for it…