
I'm fucking serious here. The brass move by Seagal would be suing Hanks for infringement on his .. I dunno, 'Seagality' ? like, the all black outfit, the ponytail, the only thing missing are the fucking Native American beads he wears and shit

if the producers had any cohones they would cast Steven Seagal, he rocks the ponytail proper! … and c'mon, his career could really use a fastpaced, action vehicle

can't one die in a wilderness for no reason AND masturbate?

Cobol Cobol Cobol Cobol Cobol CobolKhameleon

Yeah and Schwartzman was, I thought, pretty fucking awesome in 'Spun', I know parts of it were almost unwatchable but the Corgan penned soundtrack redeemed it… especially the montagey part where he meets his girl and they show her for the first time…

The obnoxious parts of Waiting were totally villified and made worth sitting through by John Francis Dailey's rant at the end, when he (spoiler alert people) walks in that party and totally calls out everybody and shows his junk to Dane Cook. Also thought that because Cook's character was such a minor role, was less

I prefer green ones in a salad, other than that I stick to the Vadalia variety

but they have bad teeth

yeah look at all the " I'm too fucking sophisticated for punk" comments. People on the internet will think I'm evolved and intellectual if I say 'oh it was fun in high school but then I just grew out of that phase' These are like anonymous internet posting people you'll never meet. I know in 'real life' wearing

In MY country, Russia, Alyssa Milano jerk off to YOU

I just drank a whole bottle of Robi-Cussin

I don't know what angers me more, the actual bland, shitty muzak, or that it's prevalent enough to have a label …. 'frat-rock'!?!?! come the fuck on, people! that shit has as much to do with rocknroll as Sponge Bob has to do with weapons grade uranium

Where's Michael Bay when you needs him?

This is, or, was, directed towards children… so, why no mention of Columbine or Virginia Tech? people, school shootings help prepare our children shootings they'll experience out in the 'real world'

what if one carries around a small, rectangular device that allows one to carry several cigarettes around with them everywhere they go?

do i HAVE to keep on explaining it?!? once more, it involves a bicycle pedaling device equipped with a baseball bat-size dildo with an angry clowns face shape on the end of it… after that's all done I pour salt on the whole mess

makeway for Rod Everhard

Yes, OTP, I would.

yeeeeaaah.. um, it's no Weekend at Bernies III, that's fo 'sho

that'll do, Arsenio, that'll do…