
Maybe it's just because I don't care for her too much, but Roseanne's presence has always made episodes where she appears seem far more dated to me than others. That seems strange to say since so much of the show features 90's pop culture, but in general I think the show holds up. I mean, I didn't see an episode of

"The Snake doesn't like Artie!" God, Tambor is brilliant.

Yeah, that was one joke that made me go "wait… is that true…" for a good five minutes before I remembered the Pier Pressure mention (and hadn't thought of the Valentine's/Anniversary Party, good catch). It's still funny, even with the caveat that it isn't quite accurate.

Wow, that is dark.

So. This episode got a B. "The Farm" episode of The Office also got a B on this site.

I created a AV Club account so I could comment on the last TV Club post for The Larry Sanders Show about whether there would be more.

That's a fair grade. This episode just wasn't very funny. It probably doesn't help that I don't think I've laughed at more than one or two Inspector Spacetime jokes in the series.

Just finished reading all of these today. Will they be resuming at some point?