
I, too have enjoyed these recent reviews. They have me thinking freshly about a show I thought I had already fully digested.

What an a nicely written, accurate review. While my first several listens, including streaming tracks on the band's website and my own midnight purchase leads me to like the album more than the reviewer, I feel the review is fair. Still, I have no complaints. I've liked the Ben Folds solo years, but this is a welcome

What an a nicely written, accurate review. While my first several listens, including streaming tracks on the band's website and my own midnight purchase leads me to like the album more than the reviewer, I feel the review is fair. Still, I have no complaints. I've liked the Ben Folds solo years, but this is a welcome

I said above I think criticism is fine and pointed out my agreeing with your disdain for the Jim/Maggie love story. I also like Donna's reviews. Her knowledge of the production of TV's shows teaches me and shows me what to look for when I watch. I like your reviews, Todd, and I like the reviews in general here. That

I said above I think criticism is fine and pointed out my agreeing with your disdain for the Jim/Maggie love story. I also like Donna's reviews. Her knowledge of the production of TV's shows teaches me and shows me what to look for when I watch. I like your reviews, Todd, and I like the reviews in general here. That

The sports night reviews are just as bad. They are revisionist anti-sorkinism. As for objectivity I am referring to coming in without preconceived notions of the work, not responding without feeling or personal reference. I feel, rightly or wrongly, that the reviews are not responses to the episodes, but responses for

The sports night reviews are just as bad. They are revisionist anti-sorkinism. As for objectivity I am referring to coming in without preconceived notions of the work, not responding without feeling or personal reference. I feel, rightly or wrongly, that the reviews are not responses to the episodes, but responses for

I could never understand why I leave the show to come read these reviews only to see their tone and content the reverse of my own feelings about the show. And then I realized this is just a forum for "the AVCLUB FUCKING HATES ARRON SORKIN". These are not reviews of the show. They are not objective. They come from a

I could never understand why I leave the show to come read these reviews only to see their tone and content the reverse of my own feelings about the show. And then I realized this is just a forum for "the AVCLUB FUCKING HATES ARRON SORKIN". These are not reviews of the show. They are not objective. They come from a

As much as I enjoyed the episode, this review actually made me like it more. Ryan, thank you for pointing out how the final scene with Bobby and Angie brought all the elements of the episode together. This was a very good example of a Bill Lawrence show doing that as well as making me pee my pants in laughter. Oh, and

Just Ctrl-F'ed to find no mention of Kazoo. I'm gonna stick with Kazoo. Frnph!!

Fair enough. This is a great break for me at work so I should not have complained at all.

Dear Myles,