Balls to Monty

I kept listening for hints of Stevie Wonder in the background. Would've been a nice little easter egg, but you musn't tell Stevie if you see him.

Excellent interview, especially considering the comment shared in that the headline caused some consternation. To get someone who would worry about something like that to open up as much as he did during the interview is skill, indeed.

Just wanted to say: for my 5 year old's birthday, he's getting a 3/4 size Squire Bullet Strat, black like the Doctor's guitar in Witch's Familiar (though not a Yamaha), and I'm getting an Epiphone SG Special, almost like the one here (his is the G400; as a complete noob, I'm not investing that much just yet). But it

I so want the Doctor to introduce himself as 'Doctor John Fever'.

After the upcoming Part 2 (Zygon Inversion), there are two stand-alone episodes before the season-ending two parter.

I admit I giggled when Ashildr said her name was 'Me'. I was hoping her trap would be white with either 'Wonderbread' or the face of the Lion guy on it and it would be going fast. 'Cause if you ain't first, yer last!

Who waaaaants to liiiive foreverrrrrr! Actually, that is a tight thematic connection, there.

Who. *Nose*.

TSN.ca. Almost too much, but it's all there.

I have to ask: what was the point/threat when the face huggers were doing the Alien-style opening over the sleepers' faces? Was it that the sleepers would die of fright if they saw their own face under the huggers? Or was it just a cool homage to Alien? If there was dialogue, I missed it, so thanks for any insight on

The head crabs were very Alien-esque when opening their mouths(?) in that gooey, stringy saliva way. I'm still curious about what was under the crabs: why is seeing their own face a threat? Was something going to jump out? Or was it the realization that the dreamer has lost the fight and is ready for death?


I was hoping she would start writing down elements of the dreams to remember them before it all faded away (as real drams do) and perhaps meet her fellow dreamers. I've always meant to keep a journal of my dreams, but the fear of a psychiatrist finding it is too daunting.

Loved it. Wish I could share it with my son; an almost-four-year-old who went to sleep tonight in his 'Who Robot' (Dalek) jammies. Alas, the face huggers would be a bit much, and he'll have to stick to limited Youtube videos and behind the scenes episodes. The closest we get to a full episode is 'Asylum of the

I really thought you wrote "Lexxmas" and was deeply concerned that I've missed out on such a wonder.

And the article pointedly ignored the other females in the field, parts of the team in meaningful roles. So, yes, if we ignore all the counter examples, the author has a point!

Recently bereaved and most likely pregnant by the deceased would be an emotional hook upon which a solid exit could be achieved. I suspect that'll be the story of how she exits at Christmas.

'Walk Hard'?

An interesting point. I looked up Gus' logo, but to me it looks more like a) a monocle (where *is* Mr. Monopoly? Hmmm.) or b) a time lord fob watch which may link to Missy, but I didn't catch any dialogue to that effect. I think it's still an open question.

Calm down, Mr. Falcon.