Frank Walker Barr

They make great omelets!

I'd watch it if is basically about Ralph Macchio living in a depressing apartment complex similar to the one his character lived in in the first movie while he tries to impress neighbors with saying "Hey! I'm Ralph Macchio! I was in The Karate Kid! Also My Cousin Vinny, although I didn't have many lines there!".

Hopefully this was a parody. Seriously I don't get people who don't like IPAs. Pretty much non-IPAs are flavorless fizzy soda water that get you drunk if you have enough of them. They are basically no better than Bud or Miller even if they are "craft".

But there isn't a carry over from Ang Lee's Hulk, is there?

Also true fact: Ellison seriously claimed Cormac McCarthy was ripping him off for writing The Road. As if he owned the idea of post-apocalyptic literature or something.

I don't think there is — there is of course, the Kitten Bowl, but that's unscripted.

After the first Benji movie in the 1975, its unexpected success led to a series of films after the original Benji was ill or eventually dead. In For the Love of Benji (1977) Benji's Very Own Christmas Story (1978), Oh! Heavenly Dog (1980), and Benji The Hunted (1987), the role of Benji went to his look-alike daughter

Exactly — being against a beer because it has gone corporate is basically the equivalent of hating your former favorite alt-rock band because it finally made it big. Unless it actually changes to be blander (which happens with some beers and bands).

Mythbusters showed that that could actually work if you were sufficiently lucky — remember that 1930s planes didn't fly that high because they weren't pressurized.

I'm an atheist, but I can accept that if he existed, God could probably melt faces if he wanted to, so the scene makes perfect sense. But nukes *do* exist and we *know* how they work, and the fridge doesn't fit in with that. That's the difference.

Hey, the late James Horner stole liberally from Prokofiev and Schumann for his soundtracks, and even John Williams owes more than a bit to Holst — it's as acceptable to steal classical music in movie soundtracks as it is for rappers to steal from pop music.

I 've only seen a few episodes, but I remember one where Mitchell's character pisses in his boss's office because he's angry he didn't get a promotion but then learns his boss was actually on his side and it was out of her control and so tries to prevent her from finding out — it was basically a more vulgar version of

I've only been a couple of times but I was impressed by the margaritas. Yes, that makes absolutely no sense for a supposedly "Australian" place, but it's true. First time I was there the person I was with ordered a margarita and I thought she was crazy for doing so, but I ordered one too. Turned out it was better than

See, I never got the attraction of Peep Show. Don't get me wrong, I *love* David Mitchell on panel shows, and The Mitchell & Webb Look was an excellent skit show, but Peep Show just had that "character X does something stupid and needs to stop character Y from finding out" structure that basically all sit coms have.

Which in turn was a riff on Hoban's "Riddley Walker"'s English.

I've lived in the US Midwest, both US coasts (and in French and English Canada as well), and like the East Coast best for various reasons, but the idea that Mexican food is anything more than merely decent in places like New York is absurd. Good Mexican food is a Southern Californian thing (it's arguably even better

Thanks for bringing up Upstairs, Downstairs. I have never seen Downton Abbey but whenever I hear about the concept, I'm taken back to the late 1970s when my mother was obsessed with watching Upstairs, Downstairs on PBS.

It does! It used to be impossible when Chex and Cheerios were owned by different companies, but thanks to late stage capitalism competition has been reduced and now both are owned by General Mills!

One the ironies of this administration is, for all their anti-immigrant hysteria, a awful lot of their people seem to have fucking bizarre foreign names.

before revealing that he’s a vampire. Who can also turn into a wolf. Just go with it. Batman kills the vampire with a silver bullet, the traditional bane of werewolves