Frank Walker Barr

Technically what you have with Tequila is a limón, which is a tricky word because at least in Mexican Spanish, that can mean either a lemon or a lime.

He certainly isn't smarter than the average bear, though.

Hair dye. It's a thing.

It's better than that stuff from NYC that is as thin and about as tasty as cardboard.

I remember once on their show, Siskel and Ebert were debating the merits of the 1987 movie "Date with an Angel". Siskel was 100% against the movie — he couldn't find anything positive whatsoever about it. Ebert was mixed — he agreed with him that the script was poor and the acting terrible, but he felt that the main

Or more recently, Eastern Europe. It wasn't as if the Soviets made Russian the official language of places like East Germany or Bulgaria, but learning Russian certainly was encouraged, and a way to get ahead was to get a scholarship to study at a good Soviet university (which required you to be fluent in Russian).

Oh but they do. Lots of stories about the alt-right talk about how they want to hide the obvious Neo-Nazi elements of their movement from "normies" in order to not scare the average member of the public away.

I'm confused. James Patterson doesn't really write his books anymore, and I doubt Bill is actually going to write it, so who will?

I wouldn't think there were enough people playing Pokemon Go in July 2017 on the entire planet to cause even a single server running on a 486 to be overloaded, let alone in Chicago

Aakka. Tavvauvutit. Taima.

I just watched this movie tonight and I didn't really think it was that bad. Yes, when this posting was current I made some snide comments movie unseen comparing it to Antitrust but it is a far better movie than that. I really, really, don't get social media. And I'm not a Luddite, honest. I *love* technology. And I

Most Jews are secular though. And it is worth remembering that 1950s-1960s Israel was a semi-socialist state with communes called kibbutzim that weren't that different from collective farms in the USSR.

You could make the same claim with classic versus modern Dr. Who, but people there seem to be fine with sets that aren't made of cardboard and tinfoil like they were in the 1960s and 1970s.

Yeah, they reaired Mad Men across the Federation and 1960s cosplay became all the rage.

Have Phaser, Will Travel.

But the Star Trek universe is a utopia. "Interesting things" from a dramatic perspective generally means "bad things" which presumably would be rare in that universe.

So were the wretched J.J. Abrams films, though, so using the name alone means nothing.

Well, if it was really tricked out it might impress the ladies…

Walken and Hopper are/were of the Michael Caine take-any-role-offered philosophy "The movie may have been terrible but the house it built is terrific!". Whenever either showed up in a movie you know you could at least enjoy their performance.

Well, like with Mormon archeology, there are reasons to believe that the Mormon versions of historical events may be a tad idiosyncratic to say the least.