Frank Walker Barr

I was a high school freshman and was into 8-bit computers that had probably less computing power than your microwave does today.

What is particularly sad is there is a much *better* nostalgia-driven video game novel that could have been adapted (even if it has an even worse title) — namely Austin Grossman's "You: A Novel".

You steal a booth when nobody's looking, obviously.

The problem is in the naming, though. Can they name themselves after Italian artists, only some of whom were not cis, if they themselves are hetero people without substantial Italian heritage?

Dawson marks the descendants of immigrants as a hybridized people, though still markedly other. Immigrants’ children, then, can finally be (partially) incorporated into the American body. But only conspicuously—never fully, and only by hating the right people

I feel incredibly old that you needed to clarify what The Wall was. It was if you said you had watched Star Wars and needed to clarify that it was a George Lucas film about a farm boy on a desert planet who joins a rebellion against a galactic empire.

Although to be fair, especially by the end of the war, the majority of Union soldiers were draftees. That's true of most wars — even WWII which has the myth of every red-blooded American male signing up after Pearl Harbor.

Oh, sure, there were some Northerners who were just there to make money but a *lot* of them were idealists who wanted to rebuild the country and help the freedmen. But a lot of White Southerners couldn't wrap their heads around that, not unlike how progressive people today are insinuated by conservatives to have some

Yeah, Turtledove is lazy — everything happens basically like it did in our world with different names and groups replacing others. In his Civil War series, there's a war analogous to WWI between the USA and CSA which the CSA loses. The CSA's economy is then ruined and a minor CSA soldier becomes the head of a fringe

On a similar line, Simone Zelitch's Judenstaat which had the Jews given the Eastern half of Germany after the war instead. But it was obviously in the Soviet sphere of control, so really the conceit of the novel is "What if East Germany and Israel were the same country?" But like YPU, that's really the backdrop for a

Because you literally don't have a name for them, so the affectation of making "biscuit" a worthless synonym for "cookie" is throwing away the word "biscuit". Once I knew a Brit who claimed that American biscuits were scones, but they aren't. At all.

But it clearly wouldn't have. Mohammed was clearly inspired by what he saw of Christendom and wanted a similar unifying religion for his people. Instead, Persian Zoroastrianism would have been the major Middle-Eastern religion.

Didn't we kind of see that in the African and Asian colonies? The tech advantage was still on the side of the Europeans. The only difference is that maybe in the mid-20th century they could have overthrown the colonial power.

Is this another one of those "Lincoln was gay because he slept several to a bed with other men while travelling like everyone else in the 19th century" things? Seriously, there are so many *actual* (and even openly) gay men in history to pick instead. Hell, one of the philosophers most beloved by Christians, Plato,

But not apes. I thought the theme was "shows by the losers of conflicts showing what it would be like if they won".

I wonder wonder why the wonderfalls
I wonder why the wonderfalls on me
I wonder wonder why the wonderfalls
With everything I touch and hear and see.

Fair enough. Although I'm not sure a 4-year-old is really up for *any* sort of vacation except to Grandma's or something.

Just take a backpack with maybe 4 days of clothes — I never travel anywhere in or outside the US with more than that or bother with checked luggage. You can wear shirts at least twice, and laundromats aren't hard to find these days with smartphones and Google if you are on a longer vacation.

Gander, Newfoundland. Seriously, that used to be a typical stop for trans-Atlantic flights for refueling before the current generation or two of aircraft with longer ranges. And it became relevant again on 9/11 as many flights coming from Europe to the US on the day were redirected to it.

According to recent comics, Captain America actually had been a secret Fascist agent even when he seemed he was a good guy, so the analogy checks out.