Frank Walker Barr

What? You aren't a fan of Unfinished Grocery Lists Volume VII by Christopher Tolkien?

Also fun fact — the two most important Pittsburgh-area people in media were George Romero and Fred Rogers — totally different sorts of people who ran in different circles, right? No — Romero did some work on segments for Mr. Roger's Neighborhood in the 1960s.

Worse! They showed him the scene from No Way Out where Kevin Costner runs away from the guys tailing him by jumping on a train at the non-existent Georgetown Metro Station. That is worse than just the sloppy editing found in many films because they went out of their way *deliberately* to do that, including creating a

Well, there is also the pod people argument, but that's pretty much the same thing.

Obama even has *two* biopics, Barry and Southside with You.

Even better than Kaju Katli is Kaiju Katli. Instead of cashew, you use a delicious monster. Be cautious because a lot of them are radioactive.

Discouraged a lot of people from starting restaurants. Remember when de Niro's character says he wants to leave the bounty hunting business and follow his dream, which was to run a restaurant, and Grodin's character says that, as an accountant, he knows restaurants are incredibly likely to fail and generally poor

And then somehow managed to mess up the copyright notice — the original is in the public domain for that reason — one of the few well known movies to be so.

Exactly. And it is sad how so much of the current zombie works take the undead ideas but none of the social commentary. I read in one of the obits that Romero had been asked to direct some Walking Dead episodes but he turned them down because he thought the show missed the point of zombies.

Most of Europe is either atheist or just-on-paper Christians that might go to church on Christmas Eve or Easter if that. They basically have evolved beyond religion already. The US is pretty unusual in being a developed nation where religion is still a big deal in the 21st century. Obviously religion is a big thing in

No, it's deeper than that. It isn't just "pragmatism" — they really don't want to rock the boat. Even when they had control as in the 110th Congress from 2007-2009 the Democrats did very little to push new economic legislation. It used to be that the Republicans were the party of big business and Democrats the party

How did Dubya get elected twice? He had a familiar last name and a hell of a lot of money backing him. Same thing.

There's an awful lot of current Democrats who think single-payer health care is an unrealistic pipe dream despite the entire civilized world except the US having it. Nixon inherited Medicare/Medicaid from Johnson, but instead of trying to kill it, he *extended* it to disabled people.

And a soundtrack which alternates 1960s/1970s soft rock and folk with modern indie bands like Belle and Sebastian.

Dibbs on a rival series to be called Wyatt Ryder.

My favorite memory of BiS was watching it on a plane - in front of me was a father with a young daughter and they had their headphones on to watch this movie which they presumably thought was some innocent movie about dogs. Suddenly in the middle of Parker Posey's first bit the father yanked the headphones off his

Churchill really *was* a right winger, though. Thought the British Empire should last forever and that South Africa's whites had a right to rule because they were a "higher grade" of people than the blacks. The fact that he was witty and charismatic and led Britain to victory in WWII causes people to forget what an

When I lived near the ocean I had a pair of Crocs. They really are great for when you want to walk into the water and the bottom is a bit rocky and you are paranoid of stingrays because a friend stepped on one and got stung. That's a very specific use case and not one that probably is a viable business model, however.

Or figure out that it's a cookbook?

The first Shrek was legitimately a really good movie. It was just the increasingly poor sequels that made the first retrospectively bad in memory.