Frank Walker Barr

How else do you learn about shows elsewhere? I never heard of HBO's reboot of Westworld before reading about it here.

Certainly in the sense that viewing the assembly line as the high point of technical civilization is laughably dated, and Henry Ford himself has gone from a popular visionary like Steve Jobs to a much nastier person now that we know the extent of his anti-semitism, but in a way Huxley was more on the mark than, say,

I'd say around episode 6 or 7 of Season 1 it starts becoming the show it fully became in season 2. Arrested Development is a good comparison to the show because like that, the humor ultimately lies in understanding the characters and their relationship to each other rather than gags or whatever.

The idea of Massachusetts being liberal is a very recent thing. There used to be a phrase "Banned in Boston" for books, plays, and movies that offended the "powers that be" there. Generally for portraying sex outside of marriage as an acceptable thing.

So they'll worship Ford and his Model T like the people in Brave New World?

You say that as if that wouldn't be the awesomest thing ever!

Bojack Horseman. Perhaps the best show anywhere in the last decade. I *know* the concept and even the first two or three episodes seem like yet another tiresome "edgy" cartoon like Family Guy or American Dad — but seriously, the later episodes, and especially season 2 (season 3 is good but not quite as good) just

But, the History channel has always been a reliable source of information! Everything, including "Ancient Aliens" is thoroughly researched!

Homer: The "Us Festival"! Geez, it was sponsored by the guy from Apple Computers!

That's the stereotype, yes, but it falls apart in a lot of cases. There's the Libertarian side of individualism to the right in terms of economics, yes, but as in things like abortion, and sex in general, they have a strong Puritanical streak that is very anti-individualistic and believe in a group morality that all

Okay, a hot dog isn't a sandwich, but surely a hamburger is — at least I thought so until I went to a restaurant recently that had a section labeled "burgers" and another labeled "sandwiches".

Fry: So what's the deal? You guys don't believe in Robot Jesus?

Frank Sinatra was legitimately good in a lot of his acting roles, including in the original Manchurian Candidate.

Well, AVClub seems to skew a bit older (and maler) than One Direction's target audience.

He was just upset that Shamino, Iolo and Dupre weren't selected as international shuttle astronauts to boost Britannia-US relations.

I'm the scientist black sheep from a family of lawyers. My Cousin Vinny is basically The Simpsons (classic years) of my family. You can't get through a conversation without a quote.

It's basically bullshit when everybody's an adult. I get it, it is creepy when you are dealing with undergraduates or maybe even early grad students. But when everybody is 25 or older everyone can make their own decisions.

Let's just say we don't have to worry about consolation prizes for the losers in the reboot.

Also, they combined it with the guy confusing Jason with Michael Myers, which is funny if annoying for John Carpenter fans like myself that are annoyed that the inferior "Friday the 13th" movies have merged with "Halloween" in popular consciousness.

That's certainly true — most people in business and academia prior to the personal computer era didn't know how to type and relied on secretaries or the like to type up dictated or hand-written documents.