Frank Walker Barr

The non-trivial number of STDs and unwanted pregnancies suggests a lot.

The argument is that by making editing difficult, they encourage going with the first draft. Whether that's a good thing or not depends on whether you are the type of person who believes that intuition is better than reflection.

Cuneiform stylus or GTFO

While I'm not a fan of Maher, largely due to his anti-vaxx positions, I strongly suspect a *lot* of the backlash (similar to backlash against Richard Dawkins) is from devout Christians who try to find anything to attack noted atheists with.

Or of people willing to eat clearly moldy food products because of "Sam I am"'s eventual epiphany on the topic?

And If You Give a Mouse a Cookie created libertarian monsters who believe in not helping anyone, because the needy will just want more if you help them.

It is weird how Dick and Jane have kept their place in popular culture — everybody knows "See Spot run", but heck, I'm nearly 50 and they were before *my* time. Basically only senior citizens at this point actually used the books to learn to read.

Okay up to the last point — teens go through so many emotional and intellectual changes so that you are basically describing the *normal* teen-parent relationship.

Hey, Punch-Drunk Love showed with a sufficiently good director it was even possible for Adam Sandler to act, so anything is possible.

It’s not clear if the Oklahoma-based bric-a-brac provider was looking to branch out into the world of grey-market relic trafficking, or if just loved the down-home, rustic look of ancient tablets and cylinder seals

Yeah — there was a book about that several years ago — "Loot" by Sharon Waxman. There's a great museum in the LA area (the Getty Villa, not to be confused with the larger Getty museum) that has a lot of cool Greek antiquities in it. Turns out that a lot of their collection is rather poorly documented and was illegally

But…but Avatar has so many fans that Disney is even making an entire Avatar-land in one of their lesser parks. Which is weird. I mean, like most adults I hate the Cars series, but I get that a lot of kids like them and so a Cars land makes sense. But people barely *remember* Avatar at this point.

Plants v. Zombies has been around since 2009. I know, I'm old too, and think this was practically yesterday, but 2009's 10 year-olds are today's 18 year olds who see it as a beloved property of their youth,

What works in movies was snow-boarding elves and Gimli reduced to a lame comic relief character? No.

Okay, but why haven't, say, Laser Discs kept that same coolness?

Cancer is many diseases, yes, and each type does require its own cure, but to say that than no one is going to cure cancer ignores the fact that many cancers have *already* been cured, and even better than cured, prevented entirely through immunisation —- and immunological approaches (PD-L1 blockade and so on) look to

It's one thing to be against eating animals (we can eat other things after all), but being against animal research ignores that scientists need research animals not because they are mean, nasty people who hate animals but because we aren't going to cure cancer, make an HIV vaccine, or deal with any number of health

He can dissolve Congress and become Lord Protector any time he wants!

There was a great essay in the NYT why the Canadian 150th wasn't a big thing the way the American 200th was in 1976 (which I vaguely remember experiencing as a child). The American bicentennial was an excuse for Americans in the post-Vietnam post-Watergate era to return to feeling proud about their country. There

Although it actually has a geeky meaning, as I alluded above. It is referring to the National Institute of Mental Health at the NIH, which does a lot of basic research on the psychology of rodents — presumably the rats escaped from there.