Frank Walker Barr

In WWII the Germans did in fact bomb Dublin (Ireland was neutral) in 1941 under the misconception that they were attacking Britain.

And the Graf Zeppelin itself came to the US for the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago in 1933.

I'm glad somebody remembers that the movie was based on a set of Jean Shepherd stories!

Would we still have pinwheels spinning around, ones that you could look at to see what I've found?

Once upon a time my child, MTV was about music videos, Discovery Channel actually had decent science coverage, History Channel covered history (if a little too WWII focused), The Learning Channel had televised courses, and A&E, yes, covered the arts.

I want my two dollars!

And typical for Hollywood, it obviously had gone through so many rounds of rewrites that the connection to the original was lost. I mean, where was Blurry? He was literally the only character in the original!

I'm genuinely confused about the moon conspiracy mentioned — because the astronauts had detailed lineages they couldn't have been aboard? Is there a test in the astronaut program where they ask you who your grandparents were and only those who say "Hell if I know" are let in? At least the usual conspiracies about

It is, but could it stop maybe halfway? I don't like neighborhoods full of boarded up stores, but I'm not fan of the late stage where all the quirky stores and restaurants get forced out in favor of chains that you can see in any mall.

To be fair, a name like "Sleep Marquand Attack" doesn't make Marquand out to be a very nice person.

Maybe I'll give it a second chance. I actually haven't seen it since it came out, but I remember being disappointed at the time (but not as much as seeing Ghosts of Mars

And the whole going to boarding school thing was her idea. The whole Preppie-craze of the early mid 1980s was actually a secret Soviet plot. Minor details in Izod and L.L. Bean shirts actually were a method to transmit classified data.

Like the real movie! I'm assuming the released Escape from LA was an elaborate joke and that Carpenter and Russell were secretly simultaneously filming a sequel that really would live up to Escape from New York.

I'm reminded of what Eddie izzard said about the low key drama of British movies:
A: "Well, I thought you…I'd better go."
B: "Yes, I think you better have"
And you can't eat popcorn to that!

A series of words which a poster expects their post to be followed by. But that's not important right now.

Eugene Byrne and Kim Newman's Back in the USSA, which is an alternate history where a Communist Revolution happened during WWI in the US rather than in Russia (with Eugene Debs being the Lenin analog), really rubs this in. After Debs dies, his enforcer Al Capone exiles Upton Sinclair (the Trotsky analog) and becomes

And not the synthesized "Another visitor? Stay awhile! Stay forever!" That was pretty impressive back in the day (and probably used as much memory as the game itself!)

David Lynch is the true Nostradamus!

Fun fact. That was the first movie I ever saw on video. On Betamax even!

Sir Billi. Unless you really believe Connery is going to make another movie.