Frank Walker Barr

Forbidden Planet was just Shakespeare's Tempest set in space, and the character Altaira is just Miranda, who likewise has never seen a man other than her father. They're not stupid or childlike, they have a real reason for being fascinated with the first non-relative they've met.

I liked it because it is a return to the idea of the episodes having a lesson about the real world that was common in the early seasons. Although I supposed you could argue that as lessons go, "fast food jobs are terrible" is a somewhat obvious one.

I liked it because it is a return to the idea of the episodes having a lesson about the real world that was common in the early seasons. Although I supposed you could argue that as lessons go, "fast food jobs are terrible" is a somewhat obvious one.

I disagree. It's a bad rendition of the Herbert novel, yes, but visually it is still interesting.

But did the gum you like come back in style?

Although to be honest, kids show or not, Bill was actually more frightening to me than Bob.

though most small towns in the real world would’ve probably been steamrolled to make room for a Walmart

"They constructed a board with a nail in it, but they won't stop there. They'll construct bigger boards with bigger nails, and then they'll construct a board with a nail in it so large, it will destroy them all…"

For some species incredibly well. Rats, cockroaches, cows, pigs, small cats, dogs are far more common today than before human civilization. Other species obviously not so well. But if we can scavenge food from aliens, be food for aliens, or be cute pets we'll be fine.

Which actually was an Atari 8-bit computer just pretending to be a console — adding the keyboard (and to be honest a floppy drive as well) just let you use it as the computer it was, and then it could run all the standard Atari 800 programs.

I had an Odyssey^2! And yes, the keyboard was part of the appeal (at least for my parents who thought it would be educational). Although except for the Crypto-Logic game that came with it, I don't recall many games using it.

Resurrected by an infusion of lamb's blood, George Washington recovered and went on to fight crime as Mutton Man, America's first costumed hero. Soon to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

They need to bring a finger to prove that they really have the episodes.

Blaming Batman's "dark" nature on intestinal pains makes a lot of sense, actually.

George Soros estis Esperantisto! Fakte, "Soros" estas Esperanta vorto!

Also that the KKK was anti-Semitic. Yes, obviously they were anti-Black, being founded by a former Confederate after all, but that wasn't the only thing that was abhorrent about the KKK.

What about science fiction settings based off of historical periods? Like in the original Star Trek when Kirk and Spock visit planets based on 1920s Chicago or ancient Rome?

I was annoyed at just how condescending the movie was to the drillers though, treating them basically like overgrown children. Blue collar workers aren't necessarily idiots. One side of my family was factory workers and my factory-worker grandparents (with only high school educations) were really into reading and

Maybe they are an MS activist? Didn't the March of Dimes get into MS after their initial mission of polio had more or less been solved?

Is it the "Maker"-culture you find insufferable or was it specifically antlers?