Frank Walker Barr

Even though I'm not a fan of the second and third movies I liked the "Dragonlance"-style resolution in which balance rather than one side triumphing over another is the answer.

Yeah — I have a fondness for 1980s paranoia like They Live! and 1990s paranoia like The X-Files, but they were based on the idea that the people in charge would have to have dark secrets to have nefarious plans. And that making the secrets public would lead to a wave of resignations and suicides. These days I

Checking to see if, like a late friend told him about Paris, they call a Quarter Pounder a Royale in Rome as well. I'm assuming Jules gave up his life of crime after losing an eye somehow and reinvented himself as a hero.

Hey, there was precedent — Emperor Norton after all. Although Norton was more into *protecting* Asians, chastising people who were beating up Chinese immigrants in San Francisco, while Kissinger was into killing Asians in Asia, but other than that…

Go watch Clone High. Right now. Most/all of the episodes are illegally up on youtube.

That was more Sierra's style than LucasArts'. Although as mentioned, some of the pre-Monkey island LucasArts adventures like Manic Mansion still had some of that illogic. But I never had to buy a guide for the Monkey Islands or the Indiana Jones games.

People used to pay good money to see Don Rickles live and their evening would be extra special if he singled them out and called them ugly.

Lucas' graphical adventures like Maniac Mansion were specifically designed in reaction to the standard adventure game trope of killing you off for no reason. Also the annoying feature of a lot of games to become unwinnable by allowing you to use a crucial item early on that was required later. The Lucas adventures

Yeah, it was a fascinating culture, the Phoenicians. They gave the world so much, like the first real alphabet (which was the inspiration for the Hebrew, Greek, and Roman alphabets). But we have so little of their language left because they were more into writing on papyrus and parchment than on stone. Turns out that

Don't be too proud of this nostalgic terror you've purchased. The ability to construct a Star Wars land is insignificant next to the power of the Mouse.

Absolutely. Tony Hawk is one of us! It doesn't get any more xtreme than Tony!

Does anyone other than GenXers really care that deeply about Star Wars? I thought younger people were more into Harry Potter or Hunger Games or whatever the newest thing is.

The actual sets (at least for the original Star Wars) are apparently still rotting away in Tunisia, which is a country that generally is only thought of in the West because of Star Wars, the initial optimism over the Arab Spring, and now ISIS.

Can Disney just create the actual Experimental Planned Community of Tomorrow (no, not the EPCOT we got nor the creepy 1950s recreation that is Celebration but the actual scifi city designed by Walt himself)?

Well, maybe — although Owen seems to describe Ben as just a weird old guy not in their social circles — but you could argue that he and Beru were Rebel agents tasked to protect Luke and trying (if failing) to keep him away from a famous hero of the Republic was part of the deal.

The experience for things other than killing monsters was a good thing, but the whole point of classes in an RPG is that the limitations of a class means that you have think about how to solve a problem in a way that works for the class — a fighter might just hack away at the enemy, a wizard might cast offensive or

Maybe there could be a "Skyrim New Vegas" type thing in the meantime.

Well, the name is "NetFlix" and "Flix" are movies aren't they? It seemed weird that they got into TV production in the first place.

Luke just makes friends quickly. Remember how sad he was when Obi-Wan died. He had known the guy for only a few days even given that we probably didn't see every moment aboard the Falcon.

The problem which never seems to get mentioned is how Patrick Lumumba (Knox's boss) ended up in jail just because Knox initially blamed the murder on him and being a black immigrant he was a convenient target. The whole case was racially charged from the beginning and the fact that *another* black immigrant, one with