Frank Walker Barr

it depends on the animal. Cows (as in cattle) definitely aren't chill about giving birth. But it's possible that's the fault of domestication.

Maybe she can team up with OJ and they both can find the "real killers".

What about calling wookies "walking carpets" which was apparently okay for even a cultured personage like Leia in Chewbacca's presence?

Are they though? There are a lot of sports movies out there. And ones that basically exist to give bodybuilders screen time in a usually failed attempt to make them the next Schwarzenegger. Are they written by nerds?

"Let's just say it moved me…TO A BIGGER HOUSE!"

But of course she is pretty, but in a normal way, if not in a supermodel way. Hollywood is weird how it decides certain actresses should play "plain" or "ugly" roles — the 1990s tried to convince us that Janeane Garofalo was "plain" when she clearly was more attractive than nearly anyone we knew personally.

Yes, but decisions to obey or disobey an order (as in shoot this prisoner, burn this village) *can* and *have* been made by them.

But besides the whole "I need a handgun to protect myself against muggers and thieves" crowd that play up the danger, there's also the folks that like to claim that owning a handgun is just a harmless hobby that they use to blow off steam at a firing range. Which granted, I'd think they could blow off steam just as

Where exactly did Art Spiegelman think this trend was going to lead?

Better than the dialectical ë which requires a thesis, an antithesis and a synthesis, though.

Couldn't they have had a *different* Montreal-Korean production? Smoked Bulgogi? Kim-chi Poutine?

You are missing the point — "younglings" are called that because they are literally children of teen moms. That's why they are willing to give up their children to a weird cult. If there was just effective sex education on Tatooine the entire events of Star Wars never would have happened

Colecovision was an interesting transition point — the graphics were a lot better than the early consoles (I remember being impressed by it at a friend's house when he showed me the Colecovision version of Donkey Kong where Kong, Mario/Jumpman, etc. were clearly recognizable from the arcade rather than the abstract

Although the problem is that a volunteer army kind of self-selects for a type that at a minimum likes the military culture. While there were obvious drawbacks to a draft (such as my father's university plans being delayed due to being drafted for Korea), having people in the military who thought military culture was

I really think historical dramas don't need hooks. If I want to see a love story, I can 1) see a completely fictional one unrelated to any real events or 2) see a historical movie about actual existing lovers (maybe with one or both of them being famous artists, writers, scientists, whatever). But major events are

What's wrong with Bullworth? I agree about Godzilla '98 but Bullworth really captured the frustration of 1990s US politics and how both parties didn't seem to be really interested in solving any of the real problems.

I'm surprised by Nick's choice of Startup .com (2001). I didn't see it in the theatre but on a Netflix mailed DVD, but I thought it was a well done documentary of the whole dot-com experience. Although I liked e-Dreams (2002) better, if only because the startup that one covered, Kozmo, was one I had actually heard of.

Because it was the standard "Major historical event was only tragic because a pair of lovers was affected" Hollywood nonsense. See also Pearl Harbor.