Frank Walker Barr

Because not having an attention span means his damage is limited. Having somebody who has a coherent vision of America that is abhorrent is scarier because it means he'd do more than tweet obnoxious things.

Don't you just want to choke her? But she'd like that. Although this version may not have that fetish.

But occasionally H. Jon Benjamin shows up as the devil!

The French themselves say "bigfoot". In Quebec "sasquatch" is more common, both because the Quebecois are pickier about avoiding English words in French, but also because the word "sasquatch" actually comes from the Canadian Halkomelem tribe.

Nah. The unnamed protagonist in Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1984) killed Hitler. The 3D Wolfenstein games of the 1990s were remakes.

Sometimes the Dick Tracy model of people being ugly on both the inside and outside works!

If you are nostalgic for the NES you aren't that old. Nostalgic for the Atari 2600 or Odyssey 2, on the other hand…

Yeah, Neil Gaiman was born into it too, and is clearly trying to disassociate himself from it without angering the church or his relatives.

Yeah, apparently European diseases spread faster than European colonization.

"Barton Fink! Barton Fink!"

They really did! Although to be fair, it was planned to be named after him even before his presumed drowning. Still, I doubt we'd have a firing range named after JFK.

While not entirely without trace, the Midwestern "mound culture" is kind of like that. Today all we have are these dirt mounds, but it is believed that there were impressive wooden cities when they were occupied. Not all North American tribes were just hunter-gathererers

But "zed" is just so inconsistent! How do you say the letter "C" — "see", don't you? How do you say the letter "P", "pee", don't you? If you said "said" and "ped" respectively, there would be an argument for "zed", but otherwise it is just arbitrary.

Harold Holt? That has to be a winner — I mean how does a Prime Minster of a country go missing? (yeah, it's *presumed* he drowned, but for all we know the North Koreans could have kidnapped him or something).

Yes, I know, (the same argument is made here every time a new dollar coin is tried out) but is the savings worth the annoyance?

What was your serious point other than complaining about how the food articles were provincial? What wouldn't be provincial?

Seriously, there are actual Montreal-style bagel places outside Montreal. Outside Canada even. As for being provincial, food is *inherently* provincial. Until the rise of chain restaurants, every area had their own foods unknown to outsiders. There's a great book about the variations in US food "The food of a younger

I hadn't realized that the Bull was illegal as well, but looking it up, it was, which makes the whole thing hypocritical. It just seems like a cheesy piece of propaganda that I had always thought that the NYSE or an investment bank had sponsored it.


Serious question: how come you guys have so many coins (including your loonie and toonie) which makes buying anything with cash an unpleasant experience because your pocket becomes weighted down from the change. This helps nobody but the vending machine industry. There's a lot of things that are regrettable about US