Frank Walker Barr

No. The computer was physically an Apple ][, but the "trip-tic" software shown was just fictional.

IN MOViE `2001

Although Jay Miner was the engineer who designed both the Atari 8-bits and the Amiga, so there's a connection. The history of the two companies is intertwined — Jack Tramiel (who founded Commodore) left it to run Atari in the Atari ST era, and Miner ended up working for Commodore when Amiga (originally an independent

What's never made sense to me in the whole "cord-cutting" scenario is how people are supposed to get Internet *without* cable. DSL? Do people still use that? Even the cheapest cable package providing decent (as in streaming-level) Internet includes basic cable TV as well, at least where I am.

Is the castmember's head still inside the Mickey costume in this scenario?

And casinos of course. The original MGM Grand in Vegas (the one which had the lethal fire in 1980) is now Bally's Las Vegas while the casino called MGM Grand today is a new building. But gambling seems to be a common shared industry for pinball companies. Williams (now named WMS Industries) lives on as a manufacturer

I think both those are awful because they completely miss the point of the source material. V for Vendetta makes V a hero. He *wasn't* in the comic — which made the point that terrorists even with sympathetic causes are still terrorists. And From Hell turned a comic which dealt with such esoteric things as 19th

It turns out the character is from Wales and goes on and on about how great Christmas was when he was a kid.

It's also the best adaptation of an Alan Moore comic, but again, the bar is set low.

And one who basically was a man-child who never had a real relationship until he hooked up with a divorcee late in life.

I don't even think he was a very good writer. And it's not just me. His friend J.R.R Tolkien pointed out that Narnia didn't really work as a fantasy universe (as opposed to twee Christian allegory).

She has the same name. Poovey is Pam's last name, and cops in noir generally went by their last names. But yeah, she isn't "our" Pam.

Well, in Cuba there's a good chance the piano player in classy hotels is a physician or professor on their off hours because the tips they get from tourists can add a serious fraction of their income.

Blacula (1972) is a classic of the blaxploitation genre.

Because when you use sunblock, there's always that spot on your back that you miss and you get burnt anyway? Maybe he had a friend who helped him get his back.

Actually, I think that may have been intentional. De Niro's character (an American) didn't know anything about Hereford either — he is just trying to figure out if the guy he is asking is bullshitting or not, not because De Niro's character knows the right answer, but to see if the guy is flustered by the question.

Well, Frank Herbert actually. Not everything that is weird about Lynch's Dune is due to Lynch. A lot of it is in the book.

More to the point, how are they able to build villages, railroads, sew clothes, bake cakes given that even in their animated form they have hooves with no opposable digits?

True, but I don't think the series is going to last until Henry graduates university and gets a job at the NSA. Which would be in 1991 or 1992, so either when the USSR is collapsing or after, anyway.

But asexual smurfs versus hair fucking ones? Although the smurfs of Pandoraland use their genital hair to control horses and dragons too, so eww…