Frank Walker Barr

I was put ahead in math. It happens. middle/high school math (at least in the US) is incredibly slow-paced. If you get it, you can go through the textbook yourself way faster than how it gets presented in class.

I'm basically Henry's exact contemporary and that's basically what happened to me. I went from being not very good in school and especially math to being very good largely because computers fascinated me and I wanted to understand how electronics and programming worked. While 1980s 8-bit computers seem incredibly

Sure it's a place. It's how you get into Canada. On the other hand, a Russian co-worker of mine was not amused when I said that I knew the place she was from, Irkutsk, because it was a strategic point in Risk.

That's not John Stamos!

It's debatable, but I find the "train station" mechanic of Europe to be less frustrating than the pre-made routes in the US version, where cities can be blocked.

Lando Calrissian was like Sammy Davis Jr. in that he was a multiple minority. Lando was Black, and based on his surname, Armenian as well.

My concern is, while noir detectives might be an interesting thing, that's exactly what they did last season! The only difference is instead of noir set in the present day (or whenever Archer is supposed to be set in), they'll do it again but in the 1940s.

Except an East German Saxon accent is nothing like his Austrian accent.

"Uh, yeah, well, whenever you notice something like that… a wizard did it."

No. He was born in 1961.

Yeah. What were the Republicans thinking when they nominated Dwight D. Eisenhower, who up to that point was an independent, and whom Truman at one point considered as a running mate? Let's rate party loyalty over picking the most competent person.

It is kind of sad that Paul Ryan is basically the first GenX politician of any note. But basically everyone else with any power is still a Boomer. I suspect we'll be passed over much like my father's generation (the "Silent Generation"/Korean War generation), because much like them, we're sandwiched between two larger

The study also takes a hilariously unnecessary swipe at millennials in its intro: “Unlike millennials, [Generation Z] is ambitious, engaged, and feel like they can change the world.”
As a Gen Xer, I'm offended. It is us GenXers who are bitter and nihilistic. You can't take that from us millennials! You were the

And an airship named after Karl Marx's daughter (which admittedly was somewhat spoiled by Wallace Shawn explaining the name — seriously movies, you don't have to do that. Either people get the reference, or they don't care about the reference or can look it up on their phones if it really bothers them).

I'm sure he's taking Extraordinary Measures to avoid The Conversation with authorities if he makes further mistakes. There's no need for Paranoia. He won't be involved in a Hollywood Homicide.

It's a little known fact, but the Koch brothers secretly fight crime at night. The whole reason why they act like assholes in their public identity to is dispel suspicion by supervillains.

And the Swedish bookshop scene. But I guess that one only makes sense if you know the old saying that English played backwards sounds like Swedish.

True, Cronenberg-world Summer and family didn't seem to be that happy in this episode, but at the end of "Rick Potion No. 9" didn't they say something to the effect that they were happier in this post-apocalyptic world than they were before?

I think it's obvious that the economy shifted over to using Blips & Chitz tokens after the collapse of the galactic currency. With the advantage that you get in a game of Roy now and then with your pocket change.

It is, but, life imitating art, Mason's life was a lot like that too. He was a son of a rabbi (and was even trained to be one too), but he wanted to go into show business instead against the wishes of his father.