Frank Walker Barr

You're probably right. But that was back in season 3, so it practically was at the start. Although I suppose it makes the plot point of Krusty being illiterate in the first season "Krusty Gets Busted" implausible as being in such a devout Jewish family would require reading scripture. But maybe he is just illiterate

I really liked Bill Nighy as the father in About Time (2013). Yeah, I know the movie had problems and had mixed reviews, but it wasn't his performance that was the issue. He really is a good dramatic actor and can play more than villians.

True. But for how long? I assumed Netflix would have the X-Files & Buffy forever, and they just dropped them.

"And second of all, no, I can't get it. It's impossible"

That's a good point. It's like theatre makeup, which often looks absurd close up, but was designed so that people watching in the back rows could see the faces.

See, that's what Dick Cavett was missing. He didn't do the interviews while wearing clown makeup.

Well, Krusty is a mix of several different references. Besides the TV clown, there's the Jackie Mason references that get thrown in (son of a rabbi, sometimes makes dated ethnic jokes that are no longer socially acceptable, etc.), which were lampshaded by having Mason voice Krusty's father.

"Most cerebral"? Surely that would be Pi. So far the only movie based on an irrational number. Until I finally get funding for e.

Fine. Dirty stupid smelly animals anyway. If she hates cats, well, *that* would be a deal breaker.

"Nyet! That’s what we wanted you to think, hahahahahaha!"

I'm roughly Aronofsky’s age and have co-workers who are in their late twenties. While I haven't dated any of them, just from talking to them it seems that their lives aren't all that different from mine, and have similar interests in pop culture. Which is interesting because from talking to people in their sixties or


Is that a reference to "Desert Bus"?

It would be nice if they did (even if it is a rather long shot) but that's not my point. After all, Watergate was a real scandal even if we only know about it because of Felt's less than pure motives.

Not a Lovecraft fan?

Me too. Before 3D came back in a big way, showings of 1950s 3D movies like this were a big events on TV.

So, was the Creature from the Black Lagoon supposed to be a Deep One? Does than mean that Universal Monsters are part of the Mythos? Does one lose SAN for observing them?

Or it could just be people slighted by Trump. Never forget that the whistleblower for Watergate (Mark Felt) wasn't somebody who was doing it out of conscience but just because he was passed over for a promotion. Never attribute to integrity that which can be explained by pettiness.

And I'm old enough to have been embarrassed by Ronnie as my president during my first trips abroad: "How could you Americans have voted in that washed-up actor?"

In LOST and BSG the the mysticism just wasn't a major factor until the final seasons. They were science fiction shows about people surviving in difficult situations. That was their core premise, and I liked it very much. Yes, you had people having visions, and claiming that they had some divine purpose, but they were