Frank Walker Barr

Maybe in the future they'll have a university named after David Miscavige. After all, Brigham Young got one.

Yeah, I don't recall similar documentaries about Romania or Albania in the 1980s when they were basically European North Koreas if not worse — Ceaușescu and Hoxha were on par with the Kims.

And have a superhuman liver to handle the constant drinking.

It's a dark, corporate driven dystopian future based off of 1970s SF. They play Rollerball of course.

We live in a world where a surprising number of women are named after the capital of Wisconsin (or maybe Madison Avenue in NYC if you accept the "Splash" origin of the name). My point is lots of cheesy names fall in and out of fashion. Who knows if Felix and Sylvester aren't uncommon names in the future (they both

After the unfortunate Delos tragedy we've banished hosts to the Off-World colonies. That will fix things.

So Dolores was Teddy's superior officer in the Union army before she vanished and returned with "strange ideas"?

Actually, a "Gangs of New York" style 19th century NYC could actually be an interesting setting.

Depending on their age, they may not have. Growing up pre-cable, pre-home video, the level of what was available on network TV was pretty tame. Between cable and the Internet, kids today really have access to everything,

Hey, who appreciates bare breasts more than small children?

"Once" strikes me as a series that would have been considered good in the 1990s, when not as much was expected from TV. These days we seem to want TV to have as good (if not better) writing, acting, and production values as in film.

I still think Germany should act on establishing that the island (off the coast of the main Cuban one) that Fidel gave to East Germany is an actual property of the current unified German state.

But the weirdest thing is that what *isn't* acceptable to China is the more reasonable type of Taiwanese politician that says "Okay, China is China, and Taiwan is Taiwan, and they are two different countries with a shared heritage". Instead, China actually prefers the type of Taiwanese politician who claims that there

Incontestably, the Morrissey Band is the best in the world

And many of his voices are pretty similar. Brock from "The Venture Bros" sounds almost exactly like the principal from "Kim Possible".

It's a bit like the (apocryphal) story of Tom Lehrer giving up satire because of Kissinger's Nobel Peace Prize. There has to be the possibility of exaggeration for humor to work.

She comes up often enough. Even Watson, the supreme narcissist, makes her a major character in his self-serving version of events in his "The Double Helix". You know who *really* got screwed in the whole thing? Raymond Gosling. The famous "Photograph 51" which everyone claims was stolen from Franklin? Turns out her

You mean he'll figure out the cheat codes to become Delores and so on?

But who hasn't been there, am I right?

But what's in Houston that would make a good backdrop? Vegas has famous casinos, SF has the Golden Gate, and half of NYC is a famous landmark of some sort. I'm not sure the Astrodome really cuts it.