Frank Walker Barr

Is there a website for discussing your city? (okay, for some cities like NYC and SF there probably are, but not in general). How about for your profession? The thing about Reddit is it is like Usenet of old; literally a forum for everything.

And who live in 2016. I'm getting close to 50 and was on Usenet from the late 1980s to about 2005, but then it just fell apart into spam and illegal file trading. I haven't checked in for the past decade, but I doubt it recovered.

But it was the 1970s! Key parties and picking up one-night-stands in bars and the rest of that stuff. Philandering would have made him seem totally normal then.

Attend courses in a building with a fake grass-hut facade?

It was lost in the great Tiki bar extinction event in the late 1970s, and rediscovered by a fedora'd hipster who found a Trader Vic's recipe book at the local Half-Price Books.

Yeah, I had the doll too, like half of US boys did in the 1970s. They were like a foot fall — my GI Joe and Star Trek figures were like that too — it was Star Wars that started the trend for the small action figures.

Exactly. The mainstream thing is to say things like this (and similar things like the old Disco reworking of the Star Wars theme) are "awful" or at best "camp", but they really can be enjoyed non-ironically.

Knives? Just chip some stones together to get a cutting edge! The last thing you need is some storebought "knife"!

Maasai cuisine just hasn't caught on outside their tribes, though.

Christensen was really good in Shattered Glass (about The New Republic's fall by way of Stephen Glass, a reporter who turned out to mostly make up his stories). Both Christensen and Portman are far better actors than you'd think from watching the prequels.

It depends on your age, though. I think a lot of hate that movie gets is from younger people who just see the main character as a pathetic aging drunk. As with "Bojack Horseman" he's more understandable as you reach middle age (even if most of us aren't quite so screwed up).

American Beauty yes, but Fight Club's plot of destroying the banking industry is still pretty relevant —a very similar plot features in "Mr. Robot" after all.

It isn't "proof", it's statistical estimation based on sampling, and 538's methods are statistically sound given the data. In retrospect, the problem seems to have been the data itself were flawed because a substantial number of Trump voters didn't claim they were going to vote for him either because they changed

Well, towards the end they started increasing Trump's chances and the whole Internet was like "Fuck Nate Silver! He's a traitor!" as if reporting bad news was causing it.

I liked the part with ominous chords on the soundtrack only to learn that a bus carrying an orchestra practicing was passing by. Although you can argue that it is kind of a recycling of a joke from "Blazing Saddles".

Look, we have to find ways to make García Márquez relevant to the current generation. After this one, we plan to do "One Hundred Years of Instagram".

I don't recall Bill selling himself to Wall Street, though. Strange sort of leftist who has anything but contempt for Goldman Sachs and similar parasites.

Because it was clear during Bill Clinton's presidency that Hillary was basically acting as an equal partner (the only possible comparison was maybe Eleanor Roosevelt) rather than the "Gee, I'm the First Lady! I better dress cute and say some things about how illiteracy is bad!" as the tradition usually goes.

I always used to notice that the fonts were generally wrong in the "articles" describing an amazing new product or get-rich-quick scheme. I don't know if the newspapers/magazines did that purposely to distinguish them from real articles or if the advertisers tended to just do a crappy job blending them in with the

That's probably how humans contracted HIV and Ebola. The problem with eating things related to you is that you are probably susceptible to whatever diseases they have.