Frank Walker Barr

You can see the rest of Dovier’s artwork over on his Tumblr. Watch them on an Apple II to hasten the singularity.

Simpsons quote aside, Amundsen-Scott has (or maybe had; there were some concerns that things were getting out of hand) a bar called "Club 90 South".

Also true in the Star Trek reboot. It's like Star Fleet picks officers out of J. Crew catalogs.

In terms of nuclear war movies, while the US TV movie The Day After gets all the press, the lesser known US movie Testament is far scarier and sadder, much like the UK's Threads.

Fear of CGA graphic adventures like the kid was playing in the beginning. So much magenta! If a graphics system has a limited number of colors, why make magenta one of them?

I'm a huge fan of the (1978) Dawn of the Dead but never quite warmed to Night of the Living Dead either as horror or as social commentary (which the Romero Dead films are as much as horror).

That's kind of the way stews and soups are made — even in "fancy" restaurants.

What, you think bombing villages isn't congruent with Quakerism?

The really great thing about Mormonism is if you're good, you'll eventually get your own planet to run! It's like spiritual Amway!

You have to give him credit for actually knowing who Ixchel was, though. Having the hippie worship Gaia is a cliche — having her worship both Gaia and a relatively obscure Mayan goddess implies more cultural awareness than I would imagine someone as intellectually isolated as Chick to possess.

They're the other half.

Because it wasn't available from the mainstream breweries. If you wanted an ale, porter, stout, or bitter in the US you could (and can) get those (typically imported from Britain or Ireland) from high end bars. IPAs represented a style which didn't really exist before (well supposedly they did in colonial times,

Except you know, anatomy, inspiring young minds to go to be biologists and doctors. That was the frog, btw.

The classic British pub style of "bitter", is certainly related to IPAs in that it too uses a fair amount of hops, but isn't really the same thing at all. There may be genuine British IPAs at this point, but influenced by American craft brewing culture.

People who don't like IPAs are like people who don't like spicy food (and often *are* the same people in my experience). We like hops and spice not because we are "masochists" but because we don't like blandness.

Endless cloudy/rainy weather, coffeeshops on every corner, a place where every other person you meet is a computer programmer, a musician, or both.

His voice aged less than his person. Which is something. I feel sad for Christopher Lloyd — you can't even say that — the voice acting he's done for recent Back to The Future games is terrible — he can't really do the Doc Brown voice anymore.

The Sumerians had both much earlier!

I can't help but wonder if a lot of the backlash against him is part of the coordinated backlash against vocal atheists by the religious right, though.

"Other Alderaanian survivors"? Like, were they clinging to Alderaan chunks until rescue arrived, or were they all off planet at the time? ("Hey kids, while we were visiting space Disneyworld, our planet blew up!")